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2533367 Search Results

Portrait of a Man with a Pink, 1504-14 (oil on panel)
Portrait of a Man with a Pink, 1504-14 (oil on panel)

XCC5858776: Portrait of a Man with a Pink, 1504-14 (oil on panel), Massys, Quentin (c.1466-1530) (attr. to) / Bridgeman Images

Wounded Lioness, 1840–50 (oil on canvas)
Wounded Lioness, 1840–50 (oil on canvas)

XCC5858782: Wounded Lioness, 1840–50 (oil on canvas), Andrieu, Pierre (1821-92) / Bridgeman Images

The Road to Market, 1858–59 (oil on canvas)
The Road to Market, 1858–59 (oil on canvas)

XCC5858794: The Road to Market, 1858–59 (oil on canvas), Troyon, Constant-Emile (1810-65) / Bridgeman Images

Storm in Umbria, 1875 (oil on canvas)
Storm in Umbria, 1875 (oil on canvas)

XCC5858822: Storm in Umbria, 1875 (oil on canvas), Vedder, Elihu (1836-1923) / Bridgeman Images

Landscape, Sunset, 1887–89 (oil on canvas)
Landscape, Sunset, 1887–89 (oil on canvas)

XCC5858867: Landscape, Sunset, 1887–89 (oil on canvas), Inness, George Snr. (1825-94) / Bridgeman Images

Cranes by the Shore, illustration for The Leg Shell (Ashigai), 1821 (colour woodblock print)
Cranes by the Shore, illustration for The Leg Shell (Ashigai), 1821 (colour woodblock print)

XCC5859291: Cranes by the Shore, illustration for The Leg Shell (Ashigai), 1821 (colour woodblock print), Hokusai, Katsushika (1760-1849) / Bridgeman Images

Kidney vetch, Anthyllis vulneraria
Kidney vetch, Anthyllis vulneraria

FLO5856084: Kidney vetch, Anthyllis vulneraria / Bridgeman Images

Dyer's broom, Genista tinctoria
Dyer's broom, Genista tinctoria

FLO5856086: Dyer's broom, Genista tinctoria / Bridgeman Images

Water caltrop, Trapa natans
Water caltrop, Trapa natans

FLO5856091: Water caltrop, Trapa natans / Bridgeman Images

Bladder campion, Silene venosa, and Nottingham catchfly, Silene nutans
Bladder campion, Silene venosa, and Nottingham catchfly, Silene nutans

FLO5856094: Bladder campion, Silene venosa, and Nottingham catchfly, Silene nutans / Bridgeman Images

Media sand spurrey, Spergularia marginata, and red sand spurrey, Spergularia rubra Presl.
Media sand spurrey, Spergularia marginata, and red sand spurrey, Spergularia rubra Presl.

FLO5856103: Media sand spurrey, Spergularia marginata, and red sand spurrey, Spergularia rubra Presl. / Bridgeman Images

Saltbush or orach species, Atriplex triangulare and Atriplex validum
Saltbush or orach species, Atriplex triangulare and Atriplex validum

FLO5856106: Saltbush or orach species, Atriplex triangulare and Atriplex validum / Bridgeman Images

Kali soda, Salsola kali
Kali soda, Salsola kali

FLO5856108: Kali soda, Salsola kali / Bridgeman Images

Alpine bistort, Polygonum viviparum
Alpine bistort, Polygonum viviparum

FLO5856109: Alpine bistort, Polygonum viviparum / Bridgeman Images

Western dock, Rumex aquaticus
Western dock, Rumex aquaticus

FLO5856112: Western dock, Rumex aquaticus / Bridgeman Images

Mountain or alpine sorrel, Oxyria dignya
Mountain or alpine sorrel, Oxyria dignya

FLO5856114: Mountain or alpine sorrel, Oxyria dignya / Bridgeman Images

Mistletoe, Viscum album
Mistletoe, Viscum album

FLO5856117: Mistletoe, Viscum album / Bridgeman Images

Scots or wych elm, Ulmus glabra
Scots or wych elm, Ulmus glabra

FLO5856120: Scots or wych elm, Ulmus glabra / Bridgeman Images

English oak, Quercus robur
English oak, Quercus robur

FLO5856122: English oak, Quercus robur / Bridgeman Images

Yellow star of bethlehem, Gagea lutea Ker., and little Gagea, Gagea minima Dum.
Yellow star of bethlehem, Gagea lutea Ker., and little Gagea, Gagea minima Dum.

FLO5856139: Yellow star of bethlehem, Gagea lutea Ker., and little Gagea, Gagea minima Dum. / Bridgeman Images

Wild chives, Allium schoenoprasum
Wild chives, Allium schoenoprasum

FLO5856140: Wild chives, Allium schoenoprasum / Bridgeman Images

Field garlic, Allium oleraceum, and wild garlic, Allium vineale
Field garlic, Allium oleraceum, and wild garlic, Allium vineale

FLO5856142: Field garlic, Allium oleraceum, and wild garlic, Allium vineale / Bridgeman Images

Lancashire asphodel, Narthecium ossifragum Huds.
Lancashire asphodel, Narthecium ossifragum Huds.

FLO5856148: Lancashire asphodel, Narthecium ossifragum Huds. / Bridgeman Images

Asphodel species, Tofieldia calyculata and Scotch false asphodel, Tofieldia pusilla
Asphodel species, Tofieldia calyculata and Scotch false asphodel, Tofieldia pusilla

FLO5856149: Asphodel species, Tofieldia calyculata and Scotch false asphodel, Tofieldia pusilla / Bridgeman Images

Vanilla orchid, Nigritella nigra
Vanilla orchid, Nigritella nigra

FLO5856160: Vanilla orchid, Nigritella nigra / Bridgeman Images

Fly orchid, Ophrys insectifera
Fly orchid, Ophrys insectifera

FLO5856161: Fly orchid, Ophrys insectifera / Bridgeman Images

Marsh helleborine, Epipactis palustris
Marsh helleborine, Epipactis palustris

FLO5856166: Marsh helleborine, Epipactis palustris / Bridgeman Images

White helleborine, Cephalanthera damasonium, and red helleborine, Cephalanthera rubra.
White helleborine, Cephalanthera damasonium, and red helleborine, Cephalanthera rubra.

FLO5856167: White helleborine, Cephalanthera damasonium, and red helleborine, Cephalanthera rubra. / Bridgeman Images

Frogbit, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae
Frogbit, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae

FLO5856175: Frogbit, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae / Bridgeman Images

Yew tree, Taxus baccata
Yew tree, Taxus baccata

FLO5856185: Yew tree, Taxus baccata / Bridgeman Images

Common polypody fern, Polypodium vulgare
Common polypody fern, Polypodium vulgare

FLO5856186: Common polypody fern, Polypodium vulgare / Bridgeman Images

Long beech fern, Phegopteris connectilis
Long beech fern, Phegopteris connectilis

FLO5856188: Long beech fern, Phegopteris connectilis / Bridgeman Images

Male or shield fern, Dryopteris filix-mas
Male or shield fern, Dryopteris filix-mas

FLO5856190: Male or shield fern, Dryopteris filix-mas / Bridgeman Images

Wall-rue fern, Asplenium ruta-muraria, and northern spleenwort fern, Asplenium septentrionale
Wall-rue fern, Asplenium ruta-muraria, and northern spleenwort fern, Asplenium septentrionale

FLO5856197: Wall-rue fern, Asplenium ruta-muraria, and northern spleenwort fern, Asplenium septentrionale / Bridgeman Images

Fruit and leaves of the Morello cherry, Prunus cerasus
Fruit and leaves of the Morello cherry, Prunus cerasus

FLO5856210: Fruit and leaves of the Morello cherry, Prunus cerasus / Bridgeman Images

Yellow flowers and leaves of Black-eyed Susan vine, Thunbergia alata
Yellow flowers and leaves of Black-eyed Susan vine, Thunbergia alata

FLO5856234: Yellow flowers and leaves of Black-eyed Susan vine, Thunbergia alata / Bridgeman Images

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