LSE4325350: A funeral in Pekin, in the front row of the cortege, advance the banners with inscriptions of praise, followed by a troupe of musicians, then the monks carrying the statues of the deities, preceding the beer, on a huge catafalque, covered with silk draperies, drawing by Janet Lange, to illustrate the journey from Shanghai to Moscow, from 1859 to 1862, by M. de Bourboulon, Minister of France in China. Engraving in “” Le tour du monde””, edited by Edouard Charton, 1864. Selva's collection., Janet, Ange-Louis (Janet-Lange) (1815-72) / Bridgeman Images
PCT4273562: Scapin's Furries. Moliere's theatre piece (comedie), act 2, scene 5: Leandre is ready to hit Scapin (kneeling). Octave intervenes. The piece, first presented on 24 May 1671, was played 16 consecutive times, 19th century (engraving), Janet, Ange-Louis (Janet-Lange) (1815-72) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4325072: A school of mutual education, in a wood of Virginia (United States), drawing by Janet Lange, to illustrate a visit to the cave of Mammoth, Kentucky, in 1859, by M. Pousselgue. Engraving in “” Le tour du monde””, edited by Edouard Charton, 1863. Selva's collection., Janet, Ange-Louis (Janet-Lange) (1815-72) / Bridgeman Images