The Earl of Zetland, a gentleman, 31 July 1886, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Ward, Leslie Matthew (Spy) (1851-1922) / Bridgeman Images
James Edward Cowell Weldon, The Bishop-Designate of Calcutta, Calcutta, 17 November 1898, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Ward, Leslie Matthew (Spy) (1851-1922) / Bridgeman Images
Lord Thring, He has written on companies, 29 June 1893, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Ward, Leslie Matthew (Spy) (1851-1922) / Bridgeman Images
The Hon Harry Tyrwhitt-Wilson, Near the Rose, 13 February 1886, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Ward, Leslie Matthew (Spy) (1851-1922) / Bridgeman Images
The Right Hon Sir John Gordon Sprigg, The Cape, 16 September 1897, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Ward, Leslie Matthew (Spy) (1851-1922) / Bridgeman Images
Mr Albert George Sandeman, The Bank of England, 12 September 1895, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Ward, Leslie Matthew (Spy) (1851-1922) / Bridgeman Images
The Hon Humphrey Sturt, East Dorsetshire, 7 May 1892, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Ward, Leslie Matthew (Spy) (1851-1922) / Bridgeman Images