Sowerby, James (1757-1822) Assets (548 in total)

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Yellow flowered wild lettuce, Lactuca virosa
Yellow flowered wild lettuce, Lactuca virosa

FLO5856629: Yellow flowered wild lettuce, Lactuca virosa, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Leaves and white berries of mistletoe, Viscum album
Leaves and white berries of mistletoe, Viscum album

FLO5856632: Leaves and white berries of mistletoe, Viscum album, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Common caraway, Carum carui
Common caraway, Carum carui

FLO5856634: Common caraway, Carum carui, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Leaves and flowers of hemlock, Conium maculatum
Leaves and flowers of hemlock, Conium maculatum

FLO5856635: Leaves and flowers of hemlock, Conium maculatum, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Yellow flowered dill, Anethum graveolens
Yellow flowered dill, Anethum graveolens

FLO5856640: Yellow flowered dill, Anethum graveolens, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Yellow flowered fennel, Anethum foeniculum
Yellow flowered fennel, Anethum foeniculum

FLO5856641: Yellow flowered fennel, Anethum foeniculum, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Yellow flowered lovage, Ligusticum levisticum
Yellow flowered lovage, Ligusticum levisticum

FLO5856645: Yellow flowered lovage, Ligusticum levisticum, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Pink flowered cumin, Cuminum cyminum
Pink flowered cumin, Cuminum cyminum

FLO5856646: Pink flowered cumin, Cuminum cyminum, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Yellow flowered ginseng plant, Panax quinquefolium
Yellow flowered ginseng plant, Panax quinquefolium

FLO5856648: Yellow flowered ginseng plant, Panax quinquefolium, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Green flowered butcher's broom, Ruscus aculeatus
Green flowered butcher's broom, Ruscus aculeatus

FLO5856651: Green flowered butcher's broom, Ruscus aculeatus, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Purple flowered asarabacca, or wild ginger, Asarum europaeum
Purple flowered asarabacca, or wild ginger, Asarum europaeum

FLO5856652: Purple flowered asarabacca, or wild ginger, Asarum europaeum, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

White flower, leaves and bean of the coffee plant, Coffea arabica
White flower, leaves and bean of the coffee plant, Coffea arabica

FLO5856654: White flower, leaves and bean of the coffee plant, Coffea arabica, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Yellow flower, leaves and fruit of the squirting cucumber, Momordica elaterium
Yellow flower, leaves and fruit of the squirting cucumber, Momordica elaterium

FLO5856656: Yellow flower, leaves and fruit of the squirting cucumber, Momordica elaterium, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Yellow flowered great broad-leaved mullein, Verbascum thapsus
Yellow flowered great broad-leaved mullein, Verbascum thapsus

FLO5856658: Yellow flowered great broad-leaved mullein, Verbascum thapsus, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Yellow flowered black henbane, Hyoscyamus niger
Yellow flowered black henbane, Hyoscyamus niger

FLO5856659: Yellow flowered black henbane, Hyoscyamus niger, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Purple foxglove, Digitalis purpurea
Purple foxglove, Digitalis purpurea

FLO5856661: Purple foxglove, Digitalis purpurea, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

White flowered European olive tree with fruit, Olea europaea, 1832 (engraving)
White flowered European olive tree with fruit, Olea europaea, 1832 (engraving)

FLO5856676: White flowered European olive tree with fruit, Olea europaea, 1832 (engraving), Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Lilac flowered pennyroyal mint, Mentha pulegium
Lilac flowered pennyroyal mint, Mentha pulegium

FLO5856684: Lilac flowered pennyroyal mint, Mentha pulegium, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Blue flowered sage, Salvia officinalis
Blue flowered sage, Salvia officinalis

FLO5856689: Blue flowered sage, Salvia officinalis, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Lilac flowered dittany of Crete, Origanum dictamnus
Lilac flowered dittany of Crete, Origanum dictamnus

FLO5856690: Lilac flowered dittany of Crete, Origanum dictamnus, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

White poppy, Papaver somniferum
White poppy, Papaver somniferum

FLO5856695: White poppy, Papaver somniferum, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Red or corn poppy, Papaver rhoeas
Red or corn poppy, Papaver rhoeas

FLO5856696: Red or corn poppy, Papaver rhoeas, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

White flowered watercress, Sisymbrium nasturtium
White flowered watercress, Sisymbrium nasturtium

FLO5856699: White flowered watercress, Sisymbrium nasturtium, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Tradescantia ou setcreasee - Lithograph by James Sowerby (1757-1822), from William Curtis's Botanical Magazine (1746-1799), 1789 (England) - Virginian tradescantia, Tradescantia virginiana (Tradescantia virginica) - Handcolored copperplate engraving from an illustration by James Sowerby from W. Curtis's “” Botanical Magazine, Lambeth, London, 1789
Tradescantia ou setcreasee - Lithograph by James Sowerby (1757-1822), from William Curtis's Botanical Magazine (1746-1799), 1789 (England) - Virginian tradescantia, Tradescantia virginiana (Tradescantia virginica) - Handcolored copperplate engraving from an illustration by James Sowerby from W. Curtis's “” Botanical Magazine, Lambeth, London, 1789

FLO4578078: Tradescantia ou setcreasee - Lithograph by James Sowerby (1757-1822), from William Curtis's Botanical Magazine (1746-1799), 1789 (England) - Virginian tradescantia, Tradescantia virginiana (Tradescantia virginica) - Handcolored copperplate engraving from an illustration by James Sowerby from W. Curtis's “” Botanical Magazine, Lambeth, London, 1789, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Toadshade or sessile trillium, Trillium sessile. Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1787.
Toadshade or sessile trillium, Trillium sessile. Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1787.

FLO4584336: Toadshade or sessile trillium, Trillium sessile. Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1787., Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Siberian Iris - Siberian iris, Iris sibirica. Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1787.
Siberian Iris - Siberian iris, Iris sibirica. Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1787.

FLO4585542: Siberian Iris - Siberian iris, Iris sibirica. Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1787., Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Tawny day-lily, Hemerocallis fulva. Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1787.
Tawny day-lily, Hemerocallis fulva. Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1787.

FLO4585678: Tawny day-lily, Hemerocallis fulva. Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1787., Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Wild strawberry, Fragaria vesca (One-leaved strawberry or strawberry of Versailles, Fragaria monophylla). Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1787.
Wild strawberry, Fragaria vesca (One-leaved strawberry or strawberry of Versailles, Fragaria monophylla). Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1787.

FLO4585719: Wild strawberry, Fragaria vesca (One-leaved strawberry or strawberry of Versailles, Fragaria monophylla). Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1787., Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Variete of ficoid - Bearded fig marigold, Mesembryanthemum barbarum. Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1789.
Variete of ficoid - Bearded fig marigold, Mesembryanthemum barbarum. Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1789.

FLO4585748: Variete of ficoid - Bearded fig marigold, Mesembryanthemum barbarum. Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1789., Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Erythrone dog tooth (or red Satyrion) - Dog's tooth violet, Erythronium dense-canis. Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1786.
Erythrone dog tooth (or red Satyrion) - Dog's tooth violet, Erythronium dense-canis. Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1786.

FLO4577886: Erythrone dog tooth (or red Satyrion) - Dog's tooth violet, Erythronium dense-canis. Handcolured copperplate engraving after a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1786., Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Cactus starch - Orbea variegata (Variegated stapelia, Stapelia variegata). Handcolured copperplate engraving and botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1787.
Cactus starch - Orbea variegata (Variegated stapelia, Stapelia variegata). Handcolured copperplate engraving and botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1787.

FLO4581264: Cactus starch - Orbea variegata (Variegated stapelia, Stapelia variegata). Handcolured copperplate engraving and botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, Lambeth Marsh, London, 1787., Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Glaieul cardinal - Lithography by James Sowerby (1757-1822), from the Botanical Magazine by William Curtis (1746-1799), 1790 (England) - Superb corn-flag, Gladiolus cardinalis - Handcolored copperplate engraving from an illustration by James Sowerby from W. Curtis's “” Botanical Magazine,” Lambeth, London, 1790
Glaieul cardinal - Lithography by James Sowerby (1757-1822), from the Botanical Magazine by William Curtis (1746-1799), 1790 (England) - Superb corn-flag, Gladiolus cardinalis - Handcolored copperplate engraving from an illustration by James Sowerby from W. Curtis's “” Botanical Magazine,” Lambeth, London, 1790

FLO4578869: Glaieul cardinal - Lithography by James Sowerby (1757-1822), from the Botanical Magazine by William Curtis (1746-1799), 1790 (England) - Superb corn-flag, Gladiolus cardinalis - Handcolored copperplate engraving from an illustration by James Sowerby from W. Curtis's “” Botanical Magazine,” Lambeth, London, 1790, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Common Glaieul - Lithography by James Sowerby (1757-1822), from the Botanical Magazine by William Curtis (1746-1799), 1789 (England) - Common corn flag, Gladiolus communis - Handcolored copperplate engraving from a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Curtis's “” Botanical Magazine,” Lambeth, London, 1789
Common Glaieul - Lithography by James Sowerby (1757-1822), from the Botanical Magazine by William Curtis (1746-1799), 1789 (England) - Common corn flag, Gladiolus communis - Handcolored copperplate engraving from a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Curtis's “” Botanical Magazine,” Lambeth, London, 1789

FLO4586235: Common Glaieul - Lithography by James Sowerby (1757-1822), from the Botanical Magazine by William Curtis (1746-1799), 1789 (England) - Common corn flag, Gladiolus communis - Handcolored copperplate engraving from a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Curtis's “” Botanical Magazine,” Lambeth, London, 1789, Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Fried parsley (Apium petroselinum). Hand-coloured copper engraving from an illustration by James Sowerby. Excerpt from the book of William Woodville and Sir William Jackson Hooker “” Botanique medicinale”” 1832. The tireless Sowerby (1757-1822) drew more than 2500 plants for Smith Mammoth “English Botanical”” (1790-1814) and 440 mushrooms for colourful representations of English mushrooms (1797) among many other works.
Fried parsley (Apium petroselinum). Hand-coloured copper engraving from an illustration by James Sowerby. Excerpt from the book of William Woodville and Sir William Jackson Hooker “” Botanique medicinale”” 1832. The tireless Sowerby (1757-1822) drew more than 2500 plants for Smith Mammoth “English Botanical”” (1790-1814) and 440 mushrooms for colourful representations of English mushrooms (1797) among many other works.

FLO4702177: Fried parsley (Apium petroselinum). Hand-coloured copper engraving from an illustration by James Sowerby. Excerpt from the book of William Woodville and Sir William Jackson Hooker “” Botanique medicinale”” 1832. The tireless Sowerby (1757-1822) drew more than 2500 plants for Smith Mammoth “English Botanical”” (1790-1814) and 440 mushrooms for colourful representations of English mushrooms (1797) among many other works., Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Liveche (Ligustium levistium) or mountain ache. Hand-coloured copper engraving from an illustration by James Sowerby. Excerpt from the book of William Woodville and Sir William Jackson Hooker “” Botanique medicinale”” 1832. The tireless Sowerby (1757-1822) drew more than 2500 plants for Smith Mammoth “English Botanical”” (1790-1814) and 440 mushrooms for colourful representations of English mushrooms” (1797) among many other works.
Liveche (Ligustium levistium) or mountain ache. Hand-coloured copper engraving from an illustration by James Sowerby. Excerpt from the book of William Woodville and Sir William Jackson Hooker “” Botanique medicinale”” 1832. The tireless Sowerby (1757-1822) drew more than 2500 plants for Smith Mammoth “English Botanical”” (1790-1814) and 440 mushrooms for colourful representations of English mushrooms” (1797) among many other works.

FLO4702200: Liveche (Ligustium levistium) or mountain ache. Hand-coloured copper engraving from an illustration by James Sowerby. Excerpt from the book of William Woodville and Sir William Jackson Hooker “” Botanique medicinale”” 1832. The tireless Sowerby (1757-1822) drew more than 2500 plants for Smith Mammoth “English Botanical”” (1790-1814) and 440 mushrooms for colourful representations of English mushrooms” (1797) among many other works., Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

Horseradish or cranson - Horseradish, Armoracia rusticana. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Woodville and Sir William Jackson Hooker's “” Medical Botany,”” John Bohn, London, 1832. The tireless Sowerby (1757-1822) drew over 2, 500 plants for Smith's mammoth “” English Botany”” (1790-1814) and 440 mushrooms for “” Coloured Figures of English Fungi “” (1797) among many other works.
Horseradish or cranson - Horseradish, Armoracia rusticana. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Woodville and Sir William Jackson Hooker's “” Medical Botany,”” John Bohn, London, 1832. The tireless Sowerby (1757-1822) drew over 2, 500 plants for Smith's mammoth “” English Botany”” (1790-1814) and 440 mushrooms for “” Coloured Figures of English Fungi “” (1797) among many other works.

FLO4729817: Horseradish or cranson - Horseradish, Armoracia rusticana. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Woodville and Sir William Jackson Hooker's “” Medical Botany,”” John Bohn, London, 1832. The tireless Sowerby (1757-1822) drew over 2, 500 plants for Smith's mammoth “” English Botany”” (1790-1814) and 440 mushrooms for “” Coloured Figures of English Fungi “” (1797) among many other works., Sowerby, James (1757-1822) / Bridgeman Images

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