Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) Assets (413 in total)

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Onoe Kikugoro III as Shimbei in Sukeroku yukari no Edo zakura, c.1830 (coloured woodblock print)
Onoe Kikugoro III as Shimbei in Sukeroku yukari no Edo zakura, c.1830 (coloured woodblock print)

FIT282752: Onoe Kikugoro III as Shimbei in Sukeroku yukari no Edo zakura, c.1830 (coloured woodblock print), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Viewing Cherry Blossoms, from the series Pictorial Gathering of Remarkable Women of the Floating World, Part Two (Ukiyo meijo zue nihen), c.1822 (woodblock print (nishiki-e), ink and colour on paper)
Viewing Cherry Blossoms, from the series Pictorial Gathering of Remarkable Women of the Floating World, Part Two (Ukiyo meijo zue nihen), c.1822 (woodblock print (nishiki-e), ink and colour on paper)

BST6381582: Viewing Cherry Blossoms, from the series Pictorial Gathering of Remarkable Women of the Floating World, Part Two (Ukiyo meijo zue nihen), c.1822 (woodblock print (nishiki-e), ink and colour on paper), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Summer, the river at Ryoguku; A geisha combing her hair, design for a fan from a set of four illustrating the seasons, 1858 (woodblock print)
Summer, the river at Ryoguku; A geisha combing her hair, design for a fan from a set of four illustrating the seasons, 1858 (woodblock print)

FIT113910: Summer, the river at Ryoguku; A geisha combing her hair, design for a fan from a set of four illustrating the seasons, 1858 (woodblock print), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Combat of the wrestlers of Sumo Uzuguchi and Washigahama, c.1830 (colour woodcut)
Combat of the wrestlers of Sumo Uzuguchi and Washigahama, c.1830 (colour woodcut)

FIA5409354: Combat of the wrestlers of Sumo Uzuguchi and Washigahama, c.1830 (colour woodcut), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Interior view of kabuki theater shibaraku play in prospective, 1830 (woodblock print) (see also 714234 & 714236)
Interior view of kabuki theater shibaraku play in prospective, 1830 (woodblock print) (see also 714234 & 714236)

MAM714235: Interior view of kabuki theater shibaraku play in prospective, 1830 (woodblock print) (see also 714234 & 714236), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Cherry Blossoms at Night in the Garden of Returning Geese (Kigantei no yozakura), 1854 (woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper)
Cherry Blossoms at Night in the Garden of Returning Geese (Kigantei no yozakura), 1854 (woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper)

BST7132959: Cherry Blossoms at Night in the Garden of Returning Geese (Kigantei no yozakura), 1854 (woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Actors Ichikawa Danjuro VII as Kan Shojo (top) and Segawa Kikunojo V as Umeo-maru, 1832 (woodblock engraving)
Actors Ichikawa Danjuro VII as Kan Shojo (top) and Segawa Kikunojo V as Umeo-maru, 1832 (woodblock engraving)

FIT110142: Actors Ichikawa Danjuro VII as Kan Shojo (top) and Segawa Kikunojo V as Umeo-maru, 1832 (woodblock engraving), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Woman beside a Mosquito Net, from the series Starlight Frost and Modern Manners (Hoshi no shimo tôsei fûzoku), c.1819 (woodblock print (nishiki-e), ink and colour on paper)
Woman beside a Mosquito Net, from the series Starlight Frost and Modern Manners (Hoshi no shimo tôsei fûzoku), c.1819 (woodblock print (nishiki-e), ink and colour on paper)

BST6381578: Woman beside a Mosquito Net, from the series Starlight Frost and Modern Manners (Hoshi no shimo tôsei fûzoku), c.1819 (woodblock print (nishiki-e), ink and colour on paper), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Wakanoura in Kii Province (Kii Wakanoura), from the series Beauties Compared with Scenic Spots of Our Country (Honchô fûkei bijin kurabe), early 1830s (woodblock print (nishiki-e), ink and colour on paper)
Wakanoura in Kii Province (Kii Wakanoura), from the series Beauties Compared with Scenic Spots of Our Country (Honchô fûkei bijin kurabe), early 1830s (woodblock print (nishiki-e), ink and colour on paper)

BST6381580: Wakanoura in Kii Province (Kii Wakanoura), from the series Beauties Compared with Scenic Spots of Our Country (Honchô fûkei bijin kurabe), early 1830s (woodblock print (nishiki-e), ink and colour on paper), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Improving weather at Enoshima (colour woodblock print)
Improving weather at Enoshima (colour woodblock print)

VAM17759: Improving weather at Enoshima (colour woodblock print), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Composing Poems at Nakoso Customs House (colour woodcut mounted on board)
Composing Poems at Nakoso Customs House (colour woodcut mounted on board)

XDM1067587: Composing Poems at Nakoso Customs House (colour woodcut mounted on board), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Enjoying Leisure at a Restaurant Before Receiving Customers, early to mid 19th century (color woodcut (triptych))
Enjoying Leisure at a Restaurant Before Receiving Customers, early to mid 19th century (color woodcut (triptych))

XDM1067713: Enjoying Leisure at a Restaurant Before Receiving Customers, early to mid 19th century (color woodcut (triptych)), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

The Kagamiyama Demonstration (colour woodcut mounted on board)
The Kagamiyama Demonstration (colour woodcut mounted on board)

XDM1066916: The Kagamiyama Demonstration (colour woodcut mounted on board), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Japan: Woman with parasol. Poem by Emperor Koko, No. 15, from the series 'A Pictorial Commentary on One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets' (Hyakunin isshu esho), Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III, 1786-1864), c. 1844
Japan: Woman with parasol. Poem by Emperor Koko, No. 15, from the series 'A Pictorial Commentary on One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets' (Hyakunin isshu esho), Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III, 1786-1864), c. 1844

PFH1773614: Japan: Woman with parasol. Poem by Emperor Koko, No. 15, from the series 'A Pictorial Commentary on One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets' (Hyakunin isshu esho), Utagawa Kunisada I (Toyokuni III, 1786-1864), c. 1844, Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Nagauta No Keiko Ni Kayou Musume, Young Lady Going to Her Nagauta Music Lessons. [Between 1830 and 1844], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 36.3 X 24.4  (Top Print), 36.6 X 24.1  (Bottom Print)
Nagauta No Keiko Ni Kayou Musume, Young Lady Going to Her Nagauta Music Lessons. [Between 1830 and 1844], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 36.3 X 24.4  (Top Print), 36.6 X 24.1  (Bottom Print)

LZT1112229: Nagauta No Keiko Ni Kayou Musume, Young Lady Going to Her Nagauta Music Lessons. [Between 1830 and 1844], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 36.3 X 24.4 (Top Print), 36.6 X 24.1 (Bottom Print), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Musume Dojoji, Young Maiden of Dojoji (Musume Dojoji). [Between 1830 and 1844], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 34.8 X 22.9  (Top), 33.8 X 22.4  (Bottom)
Musume Dojoji, Young Maiden of Dojoji (Musume Dojoji). [Between 1830 and 1844], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 34.8 X 22.9  (Top), 33.8 X 22.4  (Bottom)

LZT1112234: Musume Dojoji, Young Maiden of Dojoji (Musume Dojoji). [Between 1830 and 1844], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 34.8 X 22.9 (Top), 33.8 X 22.4 (Bottom), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

The Actor Bando Hikosaburo as the Daughter of Wada, a Nobleman (verso) (for recto see 144575)
The Actor Bando Hikosaburo as the Daughter of Wada, a Nobleman (verso) (for recto see 144575)

LMG144576: The Actor Bando Hikosaburo as the Daughter of Wada, a Nobleman (verso) (for recto see 144575), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Iwai Kumesaburo II in the role of a lover, c.1827-30 (coloured woodblock print)
Iwai Kumesaburo II in the role of a lover, c.1827-30 (coloured woodblock print)

FIT282754: Iwai Kumesaburo II in the role of a lover, c.1827-30 (coloured woodblock print), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Goban migi-midare dori, c.1825 (coloured woodblock print)
Goban migi-midare dori, c.1825 (coloured woodblock print)

FIT282757: Goban migi-midare dori, c.1825 (coloured woodblock print), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Gathering Bamboo Shoots, c.1850 (woodcut)
Gathering Bamboo Shoots, c.1850 (woodcut)

LWE410017: Gathering Bamboo Shoots, c.1850 (woodcut), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Bando Mitsugoro III as a servant, or yakko, c.1810-1820 (woodblock)
Bando Mitsugoro III as a servant, or yakko, c.1810-1820 (woodblock)

MAM713764: Bando Mitsugoro III as a servant, or yakko, c.1810-1820 (woodblock), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Bandi Jutaro as the monkey trainer, Yoriro, c.1820-1830 (woodblock print)
Bandi Jutaro as the monkey trainer, Yoriro, c.1820-1830 (woodblock print)

MAM714406: Bandi Jutaro as the monkey trainer, Yoriro, c.1820-1830 (woodblock print), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Sheets of Paper Cut-outs for Children - Theater Interior and Exterior, 1859 (woodblock print) (see also 714417, 714418, 714419 & 714420)
Sheets of Paper Cut-outs for Children - Theater Interior and Exterior, 1859 (woodblock print) (see also 714417, 714418, 714419 & 714420)

MAM714421: Sheets of Paper Cut-outs for Children - Theater Interior and Exterior, 1859 (woodblock print) (see also 714417, 714418, 714419 & 714420), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Ichikawa Danjuro VIII as Usui Sadamitsu, c.1820-1830 (woodblock print)
Ichikawa Danjuro VIII as Usui Sadamitsu, c.1820-1830 (woodblock print)

MAM714424: Ichikawa Danjuro VIII as Usui Sadamitsu, c.1820-1830 (woodblock print), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Bando Mitsugoro III (or IV) as Minamoto Sani Yorimasa, c.1822 (woodblock print)
Bando Mitsugoro III (or IV) as Minamoto Sani Yorimasa, c.1822 (woodblock print)

MAM714453: Bando Mitsugoro III (or IV) as Minamoto Sani Yorimasa, c.1822 (woodblock print), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Danjuro VII as Kamakura Gongoro in
Danjuro VII as Kamakura Gongoro in

MAM714196: Danjuro VII as Kamakura Gongoro in "Shibaraku" (woodblock print), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro VII in a Shibaraku Role, c.1820-1830 (woodblock)
The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro VII in a Shibaraku Role, c.1820-1830 (woodblock)

MAM714104: The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro VII in a Shibaraku Role, c.1820-1830 (woodblock), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Ichikawa Danjuro VII, 1820 (woodblock engraving)
Ichikawa Danjuro VII, 1820 (woodblock engraving)

FIT110141: Ichikawa Danjuro VII, 1820 (woodblock engraving), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Autumn, Hanayashiki: A geisha with a pipe, design for a fan from a set of four illustrating the seasons, 1858-60 (woodblock print)
Autumn, Hanayashiki: A geisha with a pipe, design for a fan from a set of four illustrating the seasons, 1858-60 (woodblock print)

FIT113911: Autumn, Hanayashiki: A geisha with a pipe, design for a fan from a set of four illustrating the seasons, 1858-60 (woodblock print), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

The Wrestlers Matano Goro Kagehisa and Kawazu no Saburo Sukeyasu with The Umpire Ebina Genpachi Triptych, c.1811-13 (woodblock print)
The Wrestlers Matano Goro Kagehisa and Kawazu no Saburo Sukeyasu with The Umpire Ebina Genpachi Triptych, c.1811-13 (woodblock print)

FIT111468: The Wrestlers Matano Goro Kagehisa and Kawazu no Saburo Sukeyasu with The Umpire Ebina Genpachi Triptych, c.1811-13 (woodblock print), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Full Moon: Colour plants and flowers, 1847-52 (colour woodblock print)
Full Moon: Colour plants and flowers, 1847-52 (colour woodblock print)

UCL284472: Full Moon: Colour plants and flowers, 1847-52 (colour woodblock print), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

View of Arai, c. 1830-1844
View of Arai, c. 1830-1844

MNS881210: View of Arai, c. 1830-1844, Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

A Beauty Reading a Book Whilst Seated on a Balcony, from
A Beauty Reading a Book Whilst Seated on a Balcony, from

DMW937836: A Beauty Reading a Book Whilst Seated on a Balcony, from "Mitate Sugawara-jima" (A Parody of Sugawara Stripe Patterns), c.1850 (colour woodblock print), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

'Hanaogi of the Ogiya, Kamuro Yoshino and Tatsuta' from a series of courtesans printed in blue (woodcut)
'Hanaogi of the Ogiya, Kamuro Yoshino and Tatsuta' from a series of courtesans printed in blue (woodcut)

FLP2563153: 'Hanaogi of the Ogiya, Kamuro Yoshino and Tatsuta' from a series of courtesans printed in blue (woodcut), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of the wrestler of Sumo Koyanagi Tsunekichi. Utagawa print Kunisada (1786-1865), c.1830 (colour woodcut)
Portrait of the wrestler of Sumo Koyanagi Tsunekichi. Utagawa print Kunisada (1786-1865), c.1830 (colour woodcut)

FIA5409241: Portrait of the wrestler of Sumo Koyanagi Tsunekichi. Utagawa print Kunisada (1786-1865), c.1830 (colour woodcut), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

Sumo fight between Inogawa and Nishikigi. Utagawa Kunisada print (1786-1865), 1843 (colour woodcut)
Sumo fight between Inogawa and Nishikigi. Utagawa Kunisada print (1786-1865), 1843 (colour woodcut)

FIA5409258: Sumo fight between Inogawa and Nishikigi. Utagawa Kunisada print (1786-1865), 1843 (colour woodcut), Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865) / Bridgeman Images

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