Titania Awakes, Surrounded by Attendant Fairies, clinging rapturously to Bottom, still wearing the Ass's Head, 1793-4, Fuseli, Henry (Fussli, Johann Heinrich) (1741-1825) / Bridgeman Images
The Artist in Despair over the Magnitude of Antique Fragments (right hand and left foot of the Colossus of Constantine) 1778/80 (red chalk and sepia wash on paper), Fuseli, Henry (Fussli, Johann Heinrich) (1741-1825) / Bridgeman Images
Henry V Discovering the Conspirators, 'Henry V', Act II, Scene 2, , c.1780 (oil on panel), Fuseli, Henry (Fussli, Johann Heinrich) (1741-1825) / Bridgeman Images
'Macbeth', Act I, Scene 3, the Weird Sisters, c.1783 (oil on canvas), Fuseli, Henry (Fussli, Johann Heinrich) (1741-1825) / Bridgeman Images
Oedipus cursing his son Polynices - "Go to Ruin, Spurned and Disowned by me.." (w/c), Fuseli, Henry (Fussli, Johann Heinrich) (1741-1825) / Bridgeman Images
The Three Witches appearing to Macbeth and Banquo, 1800-1810 (oil on canvas), Fuseli, Henry (Fussli, Johann Heinrich) (1741-1825) / Bridgeman Images
Vision of the Deluge, from 'Paradise Lost' by John Milton (1608-74) (oil on canvas), Fuseli, Henry (Fussli, Johann Heinrich) (1741-1825) / Bridgeman Images
The Dispute between Hotspur, Worcester, Mortimer and Glendower, 1784 (oil on canvas), Fuseli, Henry (Fussli, Johann Heinrich) (1741-1825) / Bridgeman Images
John Milton's Paradise Lost, Satan and the Birth of Sin (Book II, 746-758), Painting no. 6 from The Milton Gallery, 1771-99 (oil on canvas), Fuseli, Henry (Fussli, Johann Heinrich) (1741-1825) / Bridgeman Images
The Nightmare Leaving Two Sleeping Women, 1810 (graphite & w/c on paper), Fuseli, Henry (Fussli, Johann Heinrich) (1741-1825) / Bridgeman Images
The Italian Court, or Ezzelier, Count of Ravenna musing over the body of Meduna, slain by him for infidelity during his absence in the Holy Land, c.1780 (oil on canvas), Fuseli, Henry (Fussli, Johann Heinrich) (1741-1825) / Bridgeman Images
Gertrude, Hamlet and the ghost of Hamlet's father (Gertrude, Hamlet und der Geist von Hamlets Vater), by Johann Heinrich Fuessli, 1793, 18th Century (oil on canvas), Fuseli, Henry (Fussli, Johann Heinrich) (1741-1825) / Bridgeman Images
'Here I and Sorrow Sit', Act II Scene I of 'King John' by William Shakespeare (1564-1616) 1783 (oil on canvas), Fuseli, Henry (Fussli, Johann Heinrich) (1741-1825) / Bridgeman Images
Robin goodfellow (Puck) (the dream of a summer night), 1787-1790 (oil on canvas), Fuseli, Henry (Fussli, Johann Heinrich) (1741-1825) / Bridgeman Images