Genoa, Duomo (St Lawrence Cathedral): "St Gotthard between St Paul and St James and two kneeling devotees" (1571), by Luca Cambiaso (with repaintings by Carlo Giuseppe Ratti), Cambiaso, Luca (1527-85) / Bridgeman Images
Genoa, Duomo (St. Lawrence Cathedral), inside, The Lercari Chapel or The Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament (Northern apse): "St. Anne", by Luca Cambiaso, 1575, Cambiaso, Luca (1527-85) / Bridgeman Images
Genoa, Duomo (St Lawrence Cathedral), inside, The Lercari Chapel or The Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament (Northern apse), Southern side: "The Betrothal of the Virgin", fresco by Luca Cambiaso, 1569, Cambiaso, Luca (1527-85) / Bridgeman Images
Genoa, Duomo (St Lawrence Cathedral), inside, Baptistery (formerly Church of St John the Old): "Madonna and Child between St John the Baptist and St Lawrence", by Luca Cambiaso, Oil painting on panel, 1567, Cambiaso, Luca (1527-85) / Bridgeman Images
Genoa, Duomo (St Lawrence Cathedral), inside, The Lercari Chapel or The Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament (Northern apse), Northern side: "The Presentation in the Temple", fresco by Luca Cambiaso, 1567-9, Cambiaso, Luca (1527-85) / Bridgeman Images
Genoa, Duomo (St Lawrence Cathedral), inside, The Lercari Chapel or The Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament (Northern apse), Northern side: "The Funerary Monument of Franco Lercari", by Luca Cambiaso, after 1569, Cambiaso, Luca (1527-85) / Bridgeman Images
Genoa, Duomo (St Lawrence Cathedral), inside, The Lercari Chapel or The Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament (Northern apse): "Prudence", by Luca Cambiaso, 1567-9, Cambiaso, Luca (1527-85) / Bridgeman Images
Genoa, Duomo (St. Lawrence Cathedral), inside, The Lercari Chapel or The Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament (Northern apse): "St. Joachim", by Luca Cambiaso, 1575, Cambiaso, Luca (1527-85) / Bridgeman Images
Genoa, Duomo (St Lawrence Cathedral), inside, Baptistery (formerly Church of St John the Old): "St Benedict, St John the Baptist, and St Luke", by Luca Cambiaso, oil painting, 1562, Cambiaso, Luca (1527-85) / Bridgeman Images