Sully, Thomas (1783-1872) Assets (82 in total)

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Portrait of Sarah Sully, Wife of the Artist, 1806-8 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Sarah Sully, Wife of the Artist, 1806-8 (oil on canvas)

PHL434427: Portrait of Sarah Sully, Wife of the Artist, 1806-8 (oil on canvas), Sully, Thomas (1783-1872) / Bridgeman Images

Mademoiselle Ade   Sigoigne, 1829 (oil on canvas)
Mademoiselle Ade   Sigoigne, 1829 (oil on canvas)

HEH372354: Mademoiselle Ade Sigoigne, 1829 (oil on canvas), Sully, Thomas (1783-1872) / Bridgeman Images

The Capture of Major Andre, 1812 (oil on canvas)
The Capture of Major Andre, 1812 (oil on canvas)

WAM242536: The Capture of Major Andre, 1812 (oil on canvas), Sully, Thomas (1783-1872) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of General Thomas Cadwalader, 1833 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of General Thomas Cadwalader, 1833 (oil on canvas)

PHL450509: Portrait of General Thomas Cadwalader, 1833 (oil on canvas), Sully, Thomas (1783-1872) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Mrs. Joseph Janney, 1849 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Mrs. Joseph Janney, 1849 (oil on canvas)

LST219287: Portrait of Mrs. Joseph Janney, 1849 (oil on canvas), Sully, Thomas (1783-1872) / Bridgeman Images

Self-Portrait, 1809 (oil on canvas)
Self-Portrait, 1809 (oil on canvas)

MAM712463: Self-Portrait, 1809 (oil on canvas), Sully, Thomas (1783-1872) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of William Warren, 1808 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of William Warren, 1808 (oil on canvas)

SD873786: Portrait of William Warren, 1808 (oil on canvas), Sully, Thomas (1783-1872) / Bridgeman Images

George Washington, c.1800 (oil on canvas)
George Washington, c.1800 (oil on canvas)

ATH3060898: George Washington, c.1800 (oil on canvas), Sully, Thomas (1783-1872) / Bridgeman Images

Esther Cox Binney, 1836 (oil on canvas)
Esther Cox Binney, 1836 (oil on canvas)

BRR5896227: Esther Cox Binney, 1836 (oil on canvas), Sully, Thomas (1783-1872) / Bridgeman Images

Blanche Sully (oil on canvas)
Blanche Sully (oil on canvas)

IMA1560760: Blanche Sully (oil on canvas), Sully, Thomas (1783-1872) / Bridgeman Images

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