Hartigan, Grace (1922-2008) Assets (11 in total)

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Billboard, 1957 (oil on canvas)
Billboard, 1957 (oil on canvas)

MNS487798: Billboard, 1957 (oil on canvas), Hartigan, Grace (1922-2008) / Bridgeman Images

King of the Hill, 1950 (oil on canvas)
King of the Hill, 1950 (oil on canvas)

WAM956402: King of the Hill, 1950 (oil on canvas), Hartigan, Grace (1922-2008) / Bridgeman Images

The-The #1, 1962 (oil on canvas)
The-The #1, 1962 (oil on canvas)

XBP390817: The-The #1, 1962 (oil on canvas), Hartigan, Grace (1922-2008) / Bridgeman Images

Clark's Cove, 1962 (oil on canvas)
Clark's Cove, 1962 (oil on canvas)

CH412312: Clark's Cove, 1962 (oil on canvas), Hartigan, Grace (1922-2008) / Bridgeman Images

Ireland, 1958,  detail, (oil on canvas)
Ireland, 1958,  detail, (oil on canvas)

SBL7129450: Ireland, 1958, detail, (oil on canvas), Hartigan, Grace (1922-2008) / Bridgeman Images

River Bathers, 1953 (screenprint)
River Bathers, 1953 (screenprint)

IMA355329: River Bathers, 1953 (screenprint), Hartigan, Grace (1922-2008) / Bridgeman Images

River Bathers (screenprint on cream wove paper)
River Bathers (screenprint on cream wove paper)

IMA1558727: River Bathers (screenprint on cream wove paper), Hartigan, Grace (1922-2008) / Bridgeman Images

Abstract Still Life (screenprint on cream wove paper)
Abstract Still Life (screenprint on cream wove paper)

IMA1558728: Abstract Still Life (screenprint on cream wove paper), Hartigan, Grace (1922-2008) / Bridgeman Images

Abstract Still Life, 1953 (screenprint)
Abstract Still Life, 1953 (screenprint)

IMA355330: Abstract Still Life, 1953 (screenprint), Hartigan, Grace (1922-2008) / Bridgeman Images

Eleanor of Aquitaine (c.1122-1204), 1983 (oil on canvas)
Eleanor of Aquitaine (c.1122-1204), 1983 (oil on canvas)

DAM183545: Eleanor of Aquitaine (c.1122-1204), 1983 (oil on canvas), Hartigan, Grace (1922-2008) / Bridgeman Images

The Persian Jacket (screenprint on cream wove paper)
The Persian Jacket (screenprint on cream wove paper)

IMA1558726: The Persian Jacket (screenprint on cream wove paper), Hartigan, Grace (1922-2008) / Bridgeman Images

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