North East view of the Old General Post Office with the Royal Mail Carriages Preparing to Depart, c.1830 (aquatint on paper), Pollard, James (1792-1867) / Bridgeman Images
Coursing, a group of riders galloping from left after a couple of greyhounds (graphite on paper), Pollard, James (1792-1867) / Bridgeman Images
The London-Manchester Stage Coach ('The Peveril of the Peak') outside the Peacock Inn, Islington (oil on canvas), Pollard, James (1792-1867) / Bridgeman Images
Going to the Derby, The Spread Eagle Epsom, With a Self-Portrait of the Artist in the Foreground (oil on canvas), Pollard, James (1792-1867) / Bridgeman Images
The Cambridge Telegraph Coach at the 'White Horse Tavern & Family Hotel', Fetter Lane, London, Pollard, James (1792-1867) / Bridgeman Images