Garolla, Federico Assets (2272 in total)

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Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: meeting in Piazza Duomo, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo)
Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: meeting in Piazza Duomo, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5935997: Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: meeting in Piazza Duomo, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: electoral posters under the arcades, Bologna, 1953 (b/w photo)
Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: electoral posters under the arcades, Bologna, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5936021: Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: electoral posters under the arcades, Bologna, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Political elections of 1953: preparing to attack electoral posters, Florence, 1953 (b/w photo)
Political elections of 1953: preparing to attack electoral posters, Florence, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5936034: Political elections of 1953: preparing to attack electoral posters, Florence, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: Communist Party rally in Piazza della Signoria, Florence, 1953 (b/w photo)
Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: Communist Party rally in Piazza della Signoria, Florence, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5936037: Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: Communist Party rally in Piazza della Signoria, Florence, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: electoral posters for the Christian Democracy campaign, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo)
Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: electoral posters for the Christian Democracy campaign, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5936046: Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: electoral posters for the Christian Democracy campaign, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

The Fontana sisters in their atelier, Rome, 1953 (b/w photo)
The Fontana sisters in their atelier, Rome, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5936057: The Fontana sisters in their atelier, Rome, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Zoe Fontana, the eldest of the Fontana sisters, in the atelier measuring and adjusting the length of a skirt, Rome, 1953 (b/w photo)
Zoe Fontana, the eldest of the Fontana sisters, in the atelier measuring and adjusting the length of a skirt, Rome, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5936058: Zoe Fontana, the eldest of the Fontana sisters, in the atelier measuring and adjusting the length of a skirt, Rome, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Stylist Emilio Schuberth with models in his workshop, Rome, 1953 (b/w photo)
Stylist Emilio Schuberth with models in his workshop, Rome, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5936068: Stylist Emilio Schuberth with models in his workshop, Rome, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

The designer Roberto Capucci in his workshop with Elsa Martinelli at her debut, Florence, 1953 (b/w photo)
The designer Roberto Capucci in his workshop with Elsa Martinelli at her debut, Florence, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5936079: The designer Roberto Capucci in his workshop with Elsa Martinelli at her debut, Florence, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Maurice Chevalier eating a plate of spaghetti at a Capannina restaurant dinner for the Viareggio Prize, Forte dei Marmi, Italy, 1950s (b/w photo)
Maurice Chevalier eating a plate of spaghetti at a Capannina restaurant dinner for the Viareggio Prize, Forte dei Marmi, Italy, 1950s (b/w photo)

FDG5935926: Maurice Chevalier eating a plate of spaghetti at a Capannina restaurant dinner for the Viareggio Prize, Forte dei Marmi, Italy, 1950s (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Professor Mario Praz waiting for the train at Viareggio station after the Viareggio Prize, Viareggio, Italy, 1952 (b/w photo)
Professor Mario Praz waiting for the train at Viareggio station after the Viareggio Prize, Viareggio, Italy, 1952 (b/w photo)

FDG5935931: Professor Mario Praz waiting for the train at Viareggio station after the Viareggio Prize, Viareggio, Italy, 1952 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

'The dechristianization of France,' France, November 1952 (b/w photo)
'The dechristianization of France,' France, November 1952 (b/w photo)

FDG5935944: 'The dechristianization of France,' France, November 1952 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Model Teresita Montez in the kitchen of her home, Paris, 1952 (b/w photo)
Model Teresita Montez in the kitchen of her home, Paris, 1952 (b/w photo)

FDG5935945: Model Teresita Montez in the kitchen of her home, Paris, 1952 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

On stage during the theatrical comedy ' Siamo tutti milanesi', Milan, December 1952 (b/w photo)
On stage during the theatrical comedy ' Siamo tutti milanesi', Milan, December 1952 (b/w photo)

FDG5935970: On stage during the theatrical comedy ' Siamo tutti milanesi', Milan, December 1952 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Fashion designer Donina Gnecchi in her workshop, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo)
Fashion designer Donina Gnecchi in her workshop, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5935973: Fashion designer Donina Gnecchi in her workshop, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: meeting in Piazza Duomo, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo)
Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: meeting in Piazza Duomo, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5935999: Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: meeting in Piazza Duomo, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Milan, 1953. Elections. Huts of people discussing in Piazza Duomo
Milan, 1953. Elections. Huts of people discussing in Piazza Duomo

FDG5936003: Milan, 1953. Elections. Huts of people discussing in Piazza Duomo, Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: distribution of posters, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo)
Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: distribution of posters, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5936007: Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: distribution of posters, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: child distributing electoral newspapers and flyers in Piazza del Duomo, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo)
Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: child distributing electoral newspapers and flyers in Piazza del Duomo, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5936008: Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: child distributing electoral newspapers and flyers in Piazza del Duomo, Milan, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: Communist Party meeting in Piazza Grande, Bologna, 1953 (b/w photo)
Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: Communist Party meeting in Piazza Grande, Bologna, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5936011: Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: Communist Party meeting in Piazza Grande, Bologna, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: banners and election posters, Bologna, 1953 (b/w photo)
Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: banners and election posters, Bologna, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5936015: Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: banners and election posters, Bologna, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: electoral posters under the arcades, Bologna, 1953 (b/w photo)
Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: electoral posters under the arcades, Bologna, 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5936020: Italian parliamentary elections of 1953: electoral posters under the arcades, Bologna, 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italian Parliamentary Elections of 1953 (b/w photo)
Italian Parliamentary Elections of 1953 (b/w photo)

FDG5936025: Italian Parliamentary Elections of 1953 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Castelnuovo di Porto, Viterbo, Italia, 1957, Collezione primavera estate di Luisa Spagnoli (b/w photo)
Castelnuovo di Porto, Viterbo, Italia, 1957, Collezione primavera estate di Luisa Spagnoli (b/w photo)

FDG5949611: Castelnuovo di Porto, Viterbo, Italia, 1957, Collezione primavera estate di Luisa Spagnoli (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Fashion, Florence, Italy, 1956, Roberto Capucci, autumn winter collection worn by Joe Patterson (b/w photo)
Fashion, Florence, Italy, 1956, Roberto Capucci, autumn winter collection worn by Joe Patterson (b/w photo)

FDG5949621: Fashion, Florence, Italy, 1956, Roberto Capucci, autumn winter collection worn by Joe Patterson (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italia, Napoli, giugno 1949, Il presidente Luigi Einaudi  (b/w photo)
Italia, Napoli, giugno 1949, Il presidente Luigi Einaudi  (b/w photo)

FDG5949624: Italia, Napoli, giugno 1949, Il presidente Luigi Einaudi (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italia, Napoli, 1949, L'ora d'aria nel manicomio circondariale (b/w photo)
Italia, Napoli, 1949, L'ora d'aria nel manicomio circondariale (b/w photo)

FDG5949635: Italia, Napoli, 1949, L'ora d'aria nel manicomio circondariale (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italia, Napoli, 1949, L'ora d'aria nel manicomio circondariale (b/w photo)
Italia, Napoli, 1949, L'ora d'aria nel manicomio circondariale (b/w photo)

FDG5949636: Italia, Napoli, 1949, L'ora d'aria nel manicomio circondariale (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Rome, Italy, 1958, La Tessitrice, spring summer collection worn by Rita Verbini (b/w photo)
Rome, Italy, 1958, La Tessitrice, spring summer collection worn by Rita Verbini (b/w photo)

FDG5949642: Rome, Italy, 1958, La Tessitrice, spring summer collection worn by Rita Verbini (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italia, Capri (Napoli) 9 ottobre 1948, L'inventore Pietro Vassena entra nel Batiscafo C3 (b/w photo)
Italia, Capri (Napoli) 9 ottobre 1948, L'inventore Pietro Vassena entra nel Batiscafo C3 (b/w photo)

FDG5949643: Italia, Capri (Napoli) 9 ottobre 1948, L'inventore Pietro Vassena entra nel Batiscafo C3 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italia, Rimini, agosto 1956, L'attore Walter Chiari (b/w photo)
Italia, Rimini, agosto 1956, L'attore Walter Chiari (b/w photo)

FDG5949646: Italia, Rimini, agosto 1956, L'attore Walter Chiari (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italia, Rimini, 1956, Walter Chiari e Wilma Viani durante una pausa di lavorazione sul set del film
Italia, Rimini, 1956, Walter Chiari e Wilma Viani durante una pausa di lavorazione sul set del film

FDG5949648: Italia, Rimini, 1956, Walter Chiari e Wilma Viani durante una pausa di lavorazione sul set del film "Moglie e buoi" (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Italia, Milano, Natale 1957, La ressa di persone e addobbi di Natale nella Rinascente in piazza Duomo (b/w photo)
Italia, Milano, Natale 1957, La ressa di persone e addobbi di Natale nella Rinascente in piazza Duomo (b/w photo)

FDG5949655: Italia, Milano, Natale 1957, La ressa di persone e addobbi di Natale nella Rinascente in piazza Duomo (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Bitonto, Italia, 1958, Gregge e pastorello sotto la calura del solleone (b/w photo)
Bitonto, Italia, 1958, Gregge e pastorello sotto la calura del solleone (b/w photo)

FDG5951534: Bitonto, Italia, 1958, Gregge e pastorello sotto la calura del solleone (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Motta Montecorvino, Foggia, Italia, 1958, Aspettando la pioggia (b/w photo)
Motta Montecorvino, Foggia, Italia, 1958, Aspettando la pioggia (b/w photo)

FDG5951542: Motta Montecorvino, Foggia, Italia, 1958, Aspettando la pioggia (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

Capri, Naples, Italy, 1958, Actress Yvonne Monlaur (b/w photo)
Capri, Naples, Italy, 1958, Actress Yvonne Monlaur (b/w photo)

FDG5951550: Capri, Naples, Italy, 1958, Actress Yvonne Monlaur (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images

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