Milan, Italy, 1959, The actress Valentina Cortese plays in her home with the flute docle of her son Richard (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Venice, Italy, 1959, The painter Giorgio De Chirico in Venice on the occasion of the Film Festival (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Naples, Italy, 1959, Rhodiatoce Fashion Show, one of the largest synthetic fiber industries, at Hotel Excelsior (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Miners on the cart that takes them to the tunnels, Guia gold mine, Borca di Macugnaga, 1954 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Elderly guests of the female wing looking out of the window at the Giuseppe Verdi Foundation Rest Home for Musicians, Milan, 1954 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Elderly female guests at the dining table at the Giuseppe Verdi Foundation Rest Home for Musicians, Milan, 1954 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Elderly male guests at the dining table at the Giuseppe Verdi Foundation Rest Home for Musicians, Milan, 1954 (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Paris, France, 1960, The director Roberto Rossellini with his sons Isabella and Robertino in a restaurant (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Paris, France, 1960, The director Roberto Rossellini with his sons Isabella and Robertino (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Rome, Italy, 1961, Singer Nicola Rossi Lemeni at the Opera with director Roberto Rossellini (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Roma, Italia, 1960, Il poeta Giuseppe Ungaretti nella sua casa seduto sul letto mentre si sfila una scarpa (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Rome, Italy, 1961, The actor David Niven in a break of production on the set of the film “The Two Enemies” (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images
Campania, Italia, 1960, Il regista Roberto Rossellini sul set di "Viva l'Italia" sul fiume Volturno nei pressi di Capua (b/w photo), Garolla, Federico / Bridgeman Images