Dice Offering a Banquet to Francus, in the Presence of Hyante and Climene, from 'La Franciade' by Pierre de Ronsard (1524-85) (oil on canvas), Dubreuil, Toussaint (1561-1602) / Bridgeman Images
Hyante and Climene offering a sacrifice to Venus, from 'La Franciade' by Pierre de Ronsard (1524-85) (oil on canvas), Dubreuil, Toussaint (1561-1602) / Bridgeman Images
Farewell of a warrior to a queen or "Hyanthe greeted by Francus" or "Tancrede and Herminie", 16th century (oil on canvas), Dubreuil, Toussaint (1561-1602) / Bridgeman Images
Lot's wife looking back at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (pen & ink, chalk and wash heightened with white on paper), Dubreuil, Toussaint (1561-1602) / Bridgeman Images