Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) Assets (146 in total)

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An early incident before the occasion on which captain shout won the VC, Lone Pine trenches Gallipoli Peninsula 1915 (litho)
An early incident before the occasion on which captain shout won the VC, Lone Pine trenches Gallipoli Peninsula 1915 (litho)

IL1074322: An early incident before the occasion on which captain shout won the VC, Lone Pine trenches Gallipoli Peninsula 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Lance Corporal Giles removing wounded froma battery under heavy fire Ypres Nov 1914 (litho)
Lance Corporal Giles removing wounded froma battery under heavy fire Ypres Nov 1914 (litho)

IL1074380: Lance Corporal Giles removing wounded froma battery under heavy fire Ypres Nov 1914 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

The recoil of the gun often threw sergeant Bailey to the ground, Ypres Nov 1914. Awarded DCM (litho)
The recoil of the gun often threw sergeant Bailey to the ground, Ypres Nov 1914. Awarded DCM (litho)

IL1074383: The recoil of the gun often threw sergeant Bailey to the ground, Ypres Nov 1914. Awarded DCM (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Katheawari, early 20th century (drypoint)
Katheawari, early 20th century (drypoint)

DMA1066818: Katheawari, early 20th century (drypoint), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

The fugitive Themistocles at the Persian court, illustration from 'Hutchinson's History of the Nations', 1915 (litho)
The fugitive Themistocles at the Persian court, illustration from 'Hutchinson's History of the Nations', 1915 (litho)

STC373495: The fugitive Themistocles at the Persian court, illustration from 'Hutchinson's History of the Nations', 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Sergeant Hayward leading his men across an orchard, near Festubert, to attack the German lines (litho)
Sergeant Hayward leading his men across an orchard, near Festubert, to attack the German lines (litho)

STC413382: Sergeant Hayward leading his men across an orchard, near Festubert, to attack the German lines (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Private J. Meston, of the 6th Dragoon Guards (the Carabiniers), detects the Germans disguised as Scottish troops (litho)
Private J. Meston, of the 6th Dragoon Guards (the Carabiniers), detects the Germans disguised as Scottish troops (litho)

STC412098: Private J. Meston, of the 6th Dragoon Guards (the Carabiniers), detects the Germans disguised as Scottish troops (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Major C.A.L. Yate leading the nineteen survivors of his company in a charge at the Battle of Le Cateau (litho)
Major C.A.L. Yate leading the nineteen survivors of his company in a charge at the Battle of Le Cateau (litho)

STC412053: Major C.A.L. Yate leading the nineteen survivors of his company in a charge at the Battle of Le Cateau (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Phoenician traders kidnapping maidens on the coast of Greece (litho)
Phoenician traders kidnapping maidens on the coast of Greece (litho)

IL1266054: Phoenician traders kidnapping maidens on the coast of Greece (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Interview between Johannes I and Sviatoslav 972AD
Interview between Johannes I and Sviatoslav 972AD

IL908892: Interview between Johannes I and Sviatoslav 972AD, Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

How Lance Corporal Keyworth won the VC at Givenchy May 1915 (litho)
How Lance Corporal Keyworth won the VC at Givenchy May 1915 (litho)

IL1074341: How Lance Corporal Keyworth won the VC at Givenchy May 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Private A Mitchell won a DCM for conveying a wounded soldier in a wheelbarrow under heavy fire October 1915 (litho)
Private A Mitchell won a DCM for conveying a wounded soldier in a wheelbarrow under heavy fire October 1915 (litho)

IL1074374: Private A Mitchell won a DCM for conveying a wounded soldier in a wheelbarrow under heavy fire October 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Lance Corporal W Milner DCM for carrying a machine gun across open ground under heavy shell fire May 1915 (litho)
Lance Corporal W Milner DCM for carrying a machine gun across open ground under heavy shell fire May 1915 (litho)

IL1074442: Lance Corporal W Milner DCM for carrying a machine gun across open ground under heavy shell fire May 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Sergeant Cooke's train on the way to Havre under heavy fire August 1914 (litho)
Sergeant Cooke's train on the way to Havre under heavy fire August 1914 (litho)

IL1074459: Sergeant Cooke's train on the way to Havre under heavy fire August 1914 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Private Ball and a comrade watching a German sniper at Zonnebeke (photo)
Private Ball and a comrade watching a German sniper at Zonnebeke (photo)

IL1074465: Private Ball and a comrade watching a German sniper at Zonnebeke (photo), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Private Ball and a his party firing at a party of sharpshooters (litho)
Private Ball and a his party firing at a party of sharpshooters (litho)

IL1074467: Private Ball and a his party firing at a party of sharpshooters (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Ball and his comrade dashing back across the open fields to the British lines, awarded the DCM (litho)
Ball and his comrade dashing back across the open fields to the British lines, awarded the DCM (litho)

IL1074468: Ball and his comrade dashing back across the open fields to the British lines, awarded the DCM (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Are you Saving for the Children?'
Are you Saving for the Children?'

NAM5929390: Are you Saving for the Children?' (chromolitho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

The triumph of Scipio Africanus
The triumph of Scipio Africanus

IL908801: The triumph of Scipio Africanus, Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Scipios before the Senate
Scipios before the Senate

IL908806: Scipios before the Senate, Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Decenda est Carthago
Decenda est Carthago

IL908811: Decenda est Carthago, Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Theodora during the night of the rebellion
Theodora during the night of the rebellion

IL908876: Theodora during the night of the rebellion, Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Lance Corporal Colgrave awarded the DCM for rallying Indian troops and leading them into action at Hollebeke, October 1914 (litho)
Lance Corporal Colgrave awarded the DCM for rallying Indian troops and leading them into action at Hollebeke, October 1914 (litho)

IL1074298: Lance Corporal Colgrave awarded the DCM for rallying Indian troops and leading them into action at Hollebeke, October 1914 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Lance Corporal Gray awarded a DCM for rescuing a gassed officer from a mine gallery at Kemmel  April 1915  (litho)
Lance Corporal Gray awarded a DCM for rescuing a gassed officer from a mine gallery at Kemmel  April 1915  (litho)

IL1074372: Lance Corporal Gray awarded a DCM for rescuing a gassed officer from a mine gallery at Kemmel April 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Betrayed by the flames-acting Lance Corporal Giles discovered and fired upon by the Germans assisting two wounded Ypres 1914  (litho)
Betrayed by the flames-acting Lance Corporal Giles discovered and fired upon by the Germans assisting two wounded Ypres 1914  (litho)

IL1074379: Betrayed by the flames-acting Lance Corporal Giles discovered and fired upon by the Germans assisting two wounded Ypres 1914 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Company Sergeant Major Glover holding at bay a German bombing party at St Eloi March 1915. Awarded the DCM (litho)
Company Sergeant Major Glover holding at bay a German bombing party at St Eloi March 1915. Awarded the DCM (litho)

IL1074402: Company Sergeant Major Glover holding at bay a German bombing party at St Eloi March 1915. Awarded the DCM (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Corporal S Lemon awarded DCM for tending wounded on an open battlefield at Neuve Chapelle (litho)
Corporal S Lemon awarded DCM for tending wounded on an open battlefield at Neuve Chapelle (litho)

IL1074419: Corporal S Lemon awarded DCM for tending wounded on an open battlefield at Neuve Chapelle (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

British wounded being put on board a supply train under the orders of Sergeant J Cooke DCM at retreat from the Marne 1914    (litho)
British wounded being put on board a supply train under the orders of Sergeant J Cooke DCM at retreat from the Marne 1914    (litho)

IL1074458: British wounded being put on board a supply train under the orders of Sergeant J Cooke DCM at retreat from the Marne 1914 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Alcibiades and his countrymen, illustration from 'Hutchinson's History of the Nations', 1915 (litho)
Alcibiades and his countrymen, illustration from 'Hutchinson's History of the Nations', 1915 (litho)

STC373508: Alcibiades and his countrymen, illustration from 'Hutchinson's History of the Nations', 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Postumius insulted by Tarentines (litho)
Postumius insulted by Tarentines (litho)

STC358058: Postumius insulted by Tarentines (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Mined! A wonderful escape by Lance Corporal Leadbeater and its heroic sequel at Zillebeke. Awarded DCM September 1915 (litho)
Mined! A wonderful escape by Lance Corporal Leadbeater and its heroic sequel at Zillebeke. Awarded DCM September 1915 (litho)

IL1074359: Mined! A wonderful escape by Lance Corporal Leadbeater and its heroic sequel at Zillebeke. Awarded DCM September 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

The adventurous flight of Captains Borton and Marshall June 1915 awarded over Staden DSO (litho)
The adventurous flight of Captains Borton and Marshall June 1915 awarded over Staden DSO (litho)

IL1074365: The adventurous flight of Captains Borton and Marshall June 1915 awarded over Staden DSO (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Private Mariner bombing the enemy from another point of the emplacement (litho)
Private Mariner bombing the enemy from another point of the emplacement (litho)

IL1074423: Private Mariner bombing the enemy from another point of the emplacement (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

Sergeant Cornall DCM removing burning baskets and cartridges from an ammunition wagon at Lacoutre April 1915 (litho)
Sergeant Cornall DCM removing burning baskets and cartridges from an ammunition wagon at Lacoutre April 1915 (litho)

IL1074478: Sergeant Cornall DCM removing burning baskets and cartridges from an ammunition wagon at Lacoutre April 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

The capture of emperor Valerian by Shapur 1 260AD (litho)
The capture of emperor Valerian by Shapur 1 260AD (litho)

IL994188: The capture of emperor Valerian by Shapur 1 260AD (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

The Rev. E.N. Mellish walking across ground, which was being swept by machine-gun fire, to tend the wounded (litho)
The Rev. E.N. Mellish walking across ground, which was being swept by machine-gun fire, to tend the wounded (litho)

STC412063: The Rev. E.N. Mellish walking across ground, which was being swept by machine-gun fire, to tend the wounded (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images

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