Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) Assets (146 in total)
An early incident before the occasion on which captain shout won the VC, Lone Pine trenches Gallipoli Peninsula 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Lance Corporal Giles removing wounded froma battery under heavy fire Ypres Nov 1914 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
The recoil of the gun often threw sergeant Bailey to the ground, Ypres Nov 1914. Awarded DCM (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
The fugitive Themistocles at the Persian court, illustration from 'Hutchinson's History of the Nations', 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Sergeant Hayward leading his men across an orchard, near Festubert, to attack the German lines (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Private J. Meston, of the 6th Dragoon Guards (the Carabiniers), detects the Germans disguised as Scottish troops (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Major C.A.L. Yate leading the nineteen survivors of his company in a charge at the Battle of Le Cateau (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Private A Mitchell won a DCM for conveying a wounded soldier in a wheelbarrow under heavy fire October 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Lance Corporal W Milner DCM for carrying a machine gun across open ground under heavy shell fire May 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Sergeant Cooke's train on the way to Havre under heavy fire August 1914 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Ball and his comrade dashing back across the open fields to the British lines, awarded the DCM (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Lance Corporal Colgrave awarded the DCM for rallying Indian troops and leading them into action at Hollebeke, October 1914 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Lance Corporal Gray awarded a DCM for rescuing a gassed officer from a mine gallery at Kemmel April 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Betrayed by the flames-acting Lance Corporal Giles discovered and fired upon by the Germans assisting two wounded Ypres 1914 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Company Sergeant Major Glover holding at bay a German bombing party at St Eloi March 1915. Awarded the DCM (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Corporal S Lemon awarded DCM for tending wounded on an open battlefield at Neuve Chapelle (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
British wounded being put on board a supply train under the orders of Sergeant J Cooke DCM at retreat from the Marne 1914 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Alcibiades and his countrymen, illustration from 'Hutchinson's History of the Nations', 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Mined! A wonderful escape by Lance Corporal Leadbeater and its heroic sequel at Zillebeke. Awarded DCM September 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
The adventurous flight of Captains Borton and Marshall June 1915 awarded over Staden DSO (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Private Mariner bombing the enemy from another point of the emplacement (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Sergeant Cornall DCM removing burning baskets and cartridges from an ammunition wagon at Lacoutre April 1915 (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images
The Rev. E.N. Mellish walking across ground, which was being swept by machine-gun fire, to tend the wounded (litho), Bagdatopoulos, William Spencer (1888-1965) / Bridgeman Images