'The Master & the Mate', Book jacket design, Southend Art School period, c.1920 (pencil, ink & w/c on paper), Sorrell, Alan (1904-74) / Bridgeman Images
Roman Caerwent - sketch for a reconstruction of the Romano-celtic temple (pencil, gouache & ink on paper) , Sorrell, Alan (1904-74) / Bridgeman Images
Study for 'Court of the Worshipful Company of Butchers in Procession' circa 1950 (pencil, gouache, black & red ink on paper) , Sorrell, Alan (1904-74) / Bridgeman Images
The Artist's paint-box and sketching bag on a Windsor chair (pen & ink with wax crayon & gouache on paper), Sorrell, Alan (1904-74) / Bridgeman Images
The artists wife picking apples, study for The Four Seasons, mural at Myton, Warwick, 1958 (black chalk and pencil on paper), Sorrell, Alan (1904-74) / Bridgeman Images