Vision of saint Bernard of Clairvaux, 1525-1550 circa, (tempera on wood), Bachiacca, Francesco Ubertini Verdi (c.1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images
St. Nicholas of Tolentino, by Francesco Ubertini also known as Bachiacca, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 57 x 42 cm, Bachiacca, Francesco Ubertini Verdi (c.1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images
The Search for the Stolen Cup, from 'The Stories of Giuseppe Ebreo' (tempera on panel), Bachiacca, Francesco Ubertini Verdi (c.1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images
The Recovery of the Stolen Cup, from 'The Stories of Giuseppe Ebreo' (tempera on panel), Bachiacca, Francesco Ubertini Verdi (c.1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images
The Arrest of the Brothers, from 'The Stories of Giuseppe Ebreo' (tempera on panel), Bachiacca, Francesco Ubertini Verdi (c.1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images