American School, (20th century) Assets (3472 in total)

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Gibson five-string banjo, owned by Roger Sprung and John Hartford, c.1938-40 (wood & metal) (see also 475542 to 475546)
Gibson five-string banjo, owned by Roger Sprung and John Hartford, c.1938-40 (wood & metal) (see also 475542 to 475546)

CH475543: Gibson five-string banjo, owned by Roger Sprung and John Hartford, c.1938-40 (wood & metal) (see also 475542 to 475546), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

'Exile' cheque given to Muhammad Ali by his manager Herbert Muhammad and promoter Robert Arum from their special account for Ali, written 11th May, 1967 (print & pen and ink on paper)
'Exile' cheque given to Muhammad Ali by his manager Herbert Muhammad and promoter Robert Arum from their special account for Ali, written 11th May, 1967 (print & pen and ink on paper)

CH463048: 'Exile' cheque given to Muhammad Ali by his manager Herbert Muhammad and promoter Robert Arum from their special account for Ali, written 11th May, 1967 (print & pen and ink on paper), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Marilyn Monroe's copy of the revised script for her final and unfinished film 'Something's Got To Give', screenplay by Nunnally Johnson, annotated in her own hand, 1961 (typescript, pen & ink and pencil on paper)
Marilyn Monroe's copy of the revised script for her final and unfinished film 'Something's Got To Give', screenplay by Nunnally Johnson, annotated in her own hand, 1961 (typescript, pen & ink and pencil on paper)

CH466606: Marilyn Monroe's copy of the revised script for her final and unfinished film 'Something's Got To Give', screenplay by Nunnally Johnson, annotated in her own hand, 1961 (typescript, pen & ink and pencil on paper), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Star Trek Mark II phaser rifle, made for 'Star Trek: First Contact', c.1996 (resin)
Star Trek Mark II phaser rifle, made for 'Star Trek: First Contact', c.1996 (resin)

CH497723: Star Trek Mark II phaser rifle, made for 'Star Trek: First Contact', c.1996 (resin), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Vulcan lirpa weapon, prop made for Kir Shara in 'Star Trek: Enterprise', c.2001 (simulated wood & metal and rubber)
Vulcan lirpa weapon, prop made for Kir Shara in 'Star Trek: Enterprise', c.2001 (simulated wood & metal and rubber)

CH497738: Vulcan lirpa weapon, prop made for Kir Shara in 'Star Trek: Enterprise', c.2001 (simulated wood & metal and rubber), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Romulan pistol weapon, made for 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', c.1993 (solid cast resin)
Romulan pistol weapon, made for 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', c.1993 (solid cast resin)

CH497745: Romulan pistol weapon, made for 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', c.1993 (solid cast resin), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Cardassian rifle, made for 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', c.1993 (solid cast resin & metal)
Cardassian rifle, made for 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', c.1993 (solid cast resin & metal)

CH497749: Cardassian rifle, made for 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', c.1993 (solid cast resin & metal), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Jem'hadar battle cruiser model, used for visual effects in the Dominion War Arc in 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', c.1993 (mixed media)
Jem'hadar battle cruiser model, used for visual effects in the Dominion War Arc in 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', c.1993 (mixed media)

CH497753: Jem'hadar battle cruiser model, used for visual effects in the Dominion War Arc in 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', c.1993 (mixed media), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Jem'hadar spaceship model, used in 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', c.1993 (mixed media)
Jem'hadar spaceship model, used in 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', c.1993 (mixed media)

CH497754: Jem'hadar spaceship model, used in 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', c.1993 (mixed media), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Spellbound, 1945 (three sheet poster)
Spellbound, 1945 (three sheet poster)

CH1767082: Spellbound, 1945 (three sheet poster), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Know Your Goal! Keep On Keeping On!, 1924 (colour lithograph)
Know Your Goal! Keep On Keeping On!, 1924 (colour lithograph)

CH1770063: Know Your Goal! Keep On Keeping On!, 1924 (colour lithograph), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Sunset Boulevard, 1950 (colour lithograph)
Sunset Boulevard, 1950 (colour lithograph)

CH1198239: Sunset Boulevard, 1950 (colour lithograph), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

General Crook investigating Spotted Tail with the command of the Dakota Indians (engraving)
General Crook investigating Spotted Tail with the command of the Dakota Indians (engraving)

DPL443629: General Crook investigating Spotted Tail with the command of the Dakota Indians (engraving), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Spotted Tail (litho)
Spotted Tail (litho)

DPL443630: Spotted Tail (litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Red Cloud (litho)
Red Cloud (litho)

DPL443631: Red Cloud (litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

One of General Custer's scouts surrounded by Indians (litho)
One of General Custer's scouts surrounded by Indians (litho)

DPL443632: One of General Custer's scouts surrounded by Indians (litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

City Hall Subway Station, New York (colour litho)
City Hall Subway Station, New York (colour litho)

NYL437730: City Hall Subway Station, New York (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

STC955576: "Russia in England", from Vanity Fair, December 1903 (colour lithograph), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

One Round of Pleasure (colour litho)
One Round of Pleasure (colour litho)

SNG1065779: One Round of Pleasure (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Book cover for The White Flag, c.1923 (colour litho)
Book cover for The White Flag, c.1923 (colour litho)

SNG1065787: Book cover for The White Flag, c.1923 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

'Remember the Lusitania!', American enlistment poster from WWI (colour litho)
'Remember the Lusitania!', American enlistment poster from WWI (colour litho)

SNG1065790: 'Remember the Lusitania!', American enlistment poster from WWI (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Hawaii surfers (pen & ink on paper)
Hawaii surfers (pen & ink on paper)

BPA1078462: Hawaii surfers (pen & ink on paper), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Help End Prohibition, The Crusaders [sheet of stamps], c.1920-1933 (sheet of color printed stamps)
Help End Prohibition, The Crusaders [sheet of stamps], c.1920-1933 (sheet of color printed stamps)

NYH1079158: Help End Prohibition, The Crusaders [sheet of stamps], c.1920-1933 (sheet of color printed stamps), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Joseph Northwest Silver Spur Northwest Apples, Yakima-Wenatchee, Washington (colour litho)
Joseph Northwest Silver Spur Northwest Apples, Yakima-Wenatchee, Washington (colour litho)

SMT1217025: Joseph Northwest Silver Spur Northwest Apples, Yakima-Wenatchee, Washington (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

“April Showers Bring May Flowers,” music by Nat and Jack Shilkret, words by Leo Wood, 1920 (colour litho)
“April Showers Bring May Flowers,” music by Nat and Jack Shilkret, words by Leo Wood, 1920 (colour litho)

SMT1217067: “April Showers Bring May Flowers,” music by Nat and Jack Shilkret, words by Leo Wood, 1920 (colour litho) , American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Red Cross Recruitment Poster, pub. 1918 (colour litho)
Red Cross Recruitment Poster, pub. 1918 (colour litho)

STC1449094: Red Cross Recruitment Poster, pub. 1918 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

The River (ink)
The River (ink)

IMA1555889: The River (ink), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Air Meet Program Cover (colour litho)
Air Meet Program Cover (colour litho)

SMT1217158: Air Meet Program Cover (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Fund raising campaign for 'American Fund for French Wounded', c.1915 (colour litho)
Fund raising campaign for 'American Fund for French Wounded', c.1915 (colour litho)

STC1199854: Fund raising campaign for 'American Fund for French Wounded', c.1915 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Whistle Stop (lithograph)
Whistle Stop (lithograph)

IMA1562478: Whistle Stop (lithograph), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Quarry (ink)
Quarry (ink)

IMA1562151: Quarry (ink), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Melancholia Ii (ink)
Melancholia Ii (ink)

IMA1562324: Melancholia Ii (ink), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Sorgum Mill, Tennessee (ink)
Sorgum Mill, Tennessee (ink)

IMA1560293: Sorgum Mill, Tennessee (ink), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Untitled (colour woodblock print)
Untitled (colour woodblock print)

IMA1560685: Untitled (colour woodblock print), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Battle Wagon - Uss Alabama Outfitting At Norfolk Navy Yard Crane Ship Kearsarge Alongside (etching and aquatint)
Battle Wagon - Uss Alabama Outfitting At Norfolk Navy Yard Crane Ship Kearsarge Alongside (etching and aquatint)

IMA1561230: Battle Wagon - Uss Alabama Outfitting At Norfolk Navy Yard Crane Ship Kearsarge Alongside (etching and aquatint), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Appian Way (Chicago) (lithograph)
Appian Way (Chicago) (lithograph)

IMA1561374: Appian Way (Chicago) (lithograph), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

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