American School, (20th century) Assets (3539 in total)
John Ross, a Cherokee Chief, 1836, illustration from 'The Indian Tribes of North America, Vol.3', by Thomas L. McKenney and James Hall, pub. by John Grant (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
International Day of Action against Dams and for Rivers, Water and Life, poster by Roberto Arroyo, International Rivers Network (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
Captain Picard's Dixon Hill costume, purchased for Patrick Stewart as Captain Picard playing Dixon Hill in 'Manhunt', in ''Star Trek: the Next Generation', 1987-94 (wool, silk & felt), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
'How to Avoid Influenza' by Wilmer Krusen, Director, Department of Public Health and Charities, American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
Native American Warrior fighting with British soldiers, during the American Revolutionary War (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
Poster advertising the Electric Baker Car, from 'The Theater', New York Londres, 1910 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
Advertisement for 'The Sensational Western Life Drama of Jesse James, The Missouri Oulaw' (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, after an illustration by S. R. Badmin in 1935 on completion of the restoration (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
Scene of “West Side Story”, American musical drama directed by Jerome Robbins and Robert Wise in 1961, starring Natalie Wood and Richard Beymer. Film poster, film released in France in 1962., American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images