American School, (20th century) Assets (3472 in total)

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Vase, 1903 (stoneware (Painted Mat glaze line))
Vase, 1903 (stoneware (Painted Mat glaze line))

PHL451116: Vase, 1903 (stoneware (Painted Mat glaze line)) , American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

New 1940 Model 'DC' Case Tractor, c.1939 (colour litho)
New 1940 Model 'DC' Case Tractor, c.1939 (colour litho)

SIC831105: New 1940 Model 'DC' Case Tractor, c.1939 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

A Buddy 'L' Concrete Mixer, 1929 (colour litho)
A Buddy 'L' Concrete Mixer, 1929 (colour litho)

SIC831121: A Buddy 'L' Concrete Mixer, 1929 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Colburn Number 22, Two Spindle Manufacturing Drill Press, 1929 (litho)
Colburn Number 22, Two Spindle Manufacturing Drill Press, 1929 (litho)

SIC830632: Colburn Number 22, Two Spindle Manufacturing Drill Press, 1929 (litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Side View Of The Allis Chalmers Monarch 75 Track Type Tractor (litho)
Side View Of The Allis Chalmers Monarch 75 Track Type Tractor (litho)

SIC830304: Side View Of The Allis Chalmers Monarch 75 Track Type Tractor (litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Advertisement for Harness Soap and Ebony Oil Dressing, Manufactured by International Food Co, Minneapolis Minn. (colour litho)
Advertisement for Harness Soap and Ebony Oil Dressing, Manufactured by International Food Co, Minneapolis Minn. (colour litho)

SNG870110: Advertisement for Harness Soap and Ebony Oil Dressing, Manufactured by International Food Co, Minneapolis Minn. (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Women in War Work, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', February-March 1943 (colour litho)
Women in War Work, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', February-March 1943 (colour litho)

HGL615357: Women in War Work, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', February-March 1943 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Metals, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', February 1948 (colour litho)
Metals, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', February 1948 (colour litho)

HGL615372: Metals, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', February 1948 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Toys, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', December 1949-January 1950 (colour litho)
Toys, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', December 1949-January 1950 (colour litho)

HGL615379: Toys, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', December 1949-January 1950 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Water Transportation, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', October-November 1950 (colour litho)
Water Transportation, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', October-November 1950 (colour litho)

HGL615382: Water Transportation, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', October-November 1950 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Leather, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', December 1950-January 1951 (colour litho)
Leather, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', December 1950-January 1951 (colour litho)

HGL615383: Leather, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', December 1950-January 1951 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Pharmaceutical industry, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', December 1951-January 1952 (photo)
Pharmaceutical industry, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', December 1951-January 1952 (photo)

HGL615391: Pharmaceutical industry, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', December 1951-January 1952 (photo), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

War on Spores, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', December 1953-January 1954 (colour litho)
War on Spores, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', December 1953-January 1954 (colour litho)

HGL615399: War on Spores, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', December 1953-January 1954 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Changing textile business, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', October-November 1955 (colour litho)
The Changing textile business, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', October-November 1955 (colour litho)

HGL615405: The Changing textile business, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', October-November 1955 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ship being repaired, front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', March 1922 (colour litho)
Ship being repaired, front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', March 1922 (colour litho)

HGL615443: Ship being repaired, front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', March 1922 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

S.S. Resolute, front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', July 1922 (colour litho)
S.S. Resolute, front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', July 1922 (colour litho)

HGL615446: S.S. Resolute, front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', July 1922 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

S.S. President Taft, front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', September 1922 (colour litho)
S.S. President Taft, front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', September 1922 (colour litho)

HGL615449: S.S. President Taft, front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', September 1922 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Tusitala, front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', July-August 1923 (colour litho)
Tusitala, front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', July-August 1923 (colour litho)

HGL615457: Tusitala, front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', July-August 1923 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

U.S. Marines, 1914-18 (colour litho)
U.S. Marines, 1914-18 (colour litho)

GBW699030: U.S. Marines, 1914-18 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

U.S. Marines:
U.S. Marines:

GBW699032: U.S. Marines: "Soldiers of the sea", 1914-18 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

DGC696793: "Please keep the park clean", 1937 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Poster advertising the production Noah at the Lafayette Theatre, New York. (1936)
Poster advertising the production Noah at the Lafayette Theatre, New York. (1936)

DGC696864: Poster advertising the production Noah at the Lafayette Theatre, New York. (1936), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Film brochure for 'Dreams That Money Can Buy', Published by New York: Films International America, 1947 (colour litho)
Film brochure for 'Dreams That Money Can Buy', Published by New York: Films International America, 1947 (colour litho)

OPL956406: Film brochure for 'Dreams That Money Can Buy', Published by New York: Films International America, 1947 (colour litho) , American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Film brochure for 'Dreams That Money Can Buy', Published by New York: Films International America, 1947 (colour litho)
Film brochure for 'Dreams That Money Can Buy', Published by New York: Films International America, 1947 (colour litho)

OPL956407: Film brochure for 'Dreams That Money Can Buy', Published by New York: Films International America, 1947 (colour litho) , American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Film brochure for 'Dreams That Money Can Buy', Published by New York: Films International America, 1947 (colour litho)
Film brochure for 'Dreams That Money Can Buy', Published by New York: Films International America, 1947 (colour litho)

OPL956410: Film brochure for 'Dreams That Money Can Buy', Published by New York: Films International America, 1947 (colour litho) , American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Film brochure for 'Dreams That Money Can Buy', Published by New York: Films International America, 1947 (colour litho)
Film brochure for 'Dreams That Money Can Buy', Published by New York: Films International America, 1947 (colour litho)

OPL956412: Film brochure for 'Dreams That Money Can Buy', Published by New York: Films International America, 1947 (colour litho) , American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Film brochure for 'Dreams That Money Can Buy', Published by New York: Films International America, 1947 (colour litho)
Film brochure for 'Dreams That Money Can Buy', Published by New York: Films International America, 1947 (colour litho)

OPL956416: Film brochure for 'Dreams That Money Can Buy', Published by New York: Films International America, 1947 (colour litho) , American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Christmas Greeting Message and Advertisement for The Johnson Rubber Company, Middlefield, Ohio, 20th century (colour litho)
Christmas Greeting Message and Advertisement for The Johnson Rubber Company, Middlefield, Ohio, 20th century (colour litho)

BAL47921: Christmas Greeting Message and Advertisement for The Johnson Rubber Company, Middlefield, Ohio, 20th century (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

A Hopi Indian (colour litho)
A Hopi Indian (colour litho)

TPG101992: A Hopi Indian (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

An Indian in Traditional Costume Holding a Shawl (colour litho)
An Indian in Traditional Costume Holding a Shawl (colour litho)

TPG101999: An Indian in Traditional Costume Holding a Shawl (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Native Justice of the Peace in the Blackfoot Reservation (litho)
Native Justice of the Peace in the Blackfoot Reservation (litho)

TPG103772: Native Justice of the Peace in the Blackfoot Reservation (litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Hopi Snake Dancer of Arizona (colour litho)
Hopi Snake Dancer of Arizona (colour litho)

TPG103777: Hopi Snake Dancer of Arizona (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Statue of Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi (1869-1948) (bronze)
Statue of Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi (1869-1948) (bronze)

XJL149768: Statue of Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi (1869-1948) (bronze), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

'Feed the Guns with War Bonds, and Help to End the War', 1st World War poster, American (colour litho)
'Feed the Guns with War Bonds, and Help to End the War', 1st World War poster, American (colour litho)

SNG126547: 'Feed the Guns with War Bonds, and Help to End the War', 1st World War poster, American (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

'To Make the World a Decent Place to Live In', 1st World War poster (colour litho)
'To Make the World a Decent Place to Live In', 1st World War poster (colour litho)

SNG126582: 'To Make the World a Decent Place to Live In', 1st World War poster (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

'Join a Sheep Club', 1st World War poster (colour litho)
'Join a Sheep Club', 1st World War poster (colour litho)

SNG126598: 'Join a Sheep Club', 1st World War poster (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

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