American School, (20th century) Assets (3472 in total)

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Advert for Oriental Hotel, Manhattan Beach, New York City, 1914 (litho)
Advert for Oriental Hotel, Manhattan Beach, New York City, 1914 (litho)

PNP392748: Advert for Oriental Hotel, Manhattan Beach, New York City, 1914 (litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Sacred Heart (textile)
The Sacred Heart (textile)

XBP391898: The Sacred Heart (textile), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Pennsylvania Station, c.1970-80 (colour litho)
Pennsylvania Station, c.1970-80 (colour litho)

HGL396800: Pennsylvania Station, c.1970-80 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

New York Central R.R. Station, Albany, New York, c.1930-50 (colour litho)
New York Central R.R. Station, Albany, New York, c.1930-50 (colour litho)

HGL396801: New York Central R.R. Station, Albany, New York, c.1930-50 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Union Passenger Station, Los Angeles, c.1939-50 (litho)
Union Passenger Station, Los Angeles, c.1939-50 (litho)

HGL396802: Union Passenger Station, Los Angeles, c.1939-50 (litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Liberator pistol, c.1944 (metal)
Liberator pistol, c.1944 (metal)

AMR424217: Liberator pistol, c.1944 (metal), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Vase, 1902 (stoneware (standard glaze line))
Vase, 1902 (stoneware (standard glaze line))

PHL451108: Vase, 1902 (stoneware (standard glaze line)) , American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Vase, 1900 (stoneware (iris glaze line)) (see also 451114)
Vase, 1900 (stoneware (iris glaze line)) (see also 451114)

PHL451113: Vase, 1900 (stoneware (iris glaze line)) (see also 451114) , American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

John Stark (litho)
John Stark (litho)

KWE361122: John Stark (litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

American Optical Company: In the opthomologist's, 1942 (litho)
American Optical Company: In the opthomologist's, 1942 (litho)

XOT359171: American Optical Company: In the opthomologist's, 1942 (litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Trade card for a shop in Chinatown, San Francisco, c.1920 (colour litho)
Trade card for a shop in Chinatown, San Francisco, c.1920 (colour litho)

PNP364581: Trade card for a shop in Chinatown, San Francisco, c.1920 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Early version of the US ‘Woodland’ camouflage pattern (textile)
Early version of the US ‘Woodland’ camouflage pattern (textile)

PNP693341: Early version of the US ‘Woodland’ camouflage pattern (textile), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

The American Ambulance in Russia, c.1917 (colour litho)
The American Ambulance in Russia, c.1917 (colour litho)

GBW699024: The American Ambulance in Russia, c.1917 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

GBW699027: "Remember! The flag of Liberty - Support it!", 1917 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

GBW699038: "Join the Air Service. Learn - Earn", c.1917 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

For Liberty's Sake, Enlist in the Navy, 1917 (colour litho)
For Liberty's Sake, Enlist in the Navy, 1917 (colour litho)

GBW699153: For Liberty's Sake, Enlist in the Navy, 1917 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Appreciate America, 1943 (colour litho)
Appreciate America, 1943 (colour litho)

GBW704782: Appreciate America, 1943 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Belgium Resists: The Belgian War Relief Society, 1943 (colour litho)
Belgium Resists: The Belgian War Relief Society, 1943 (colour litho)

GBW704810: Belgium Resists: The Belgian War Relief Society, 1943 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

You deliver the ships - we'’ll deliver the goods!, 1943 (colour litho)
You deliver the ships - we'’ll deliver the goods!, 1943 (colour litho)

GBW704843: You deliver the ships - we'’ll deliver the goods!, 1943 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Let's Go Get 'Em!, 1942 (colour litho)
Let's Go Get 'Em!, 1942 (colour litho)

GBW704754: Let's Go Get 'Em!, 1942 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Poster advertising memorial day on the 30th May, 1942 (colour litho)
Poster advertising memorial day on the 30th May, 1942 (colour litho)

DGC696787: Poster advertising memorial day on the 30th May, 1942 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Poster advertising Brookfield Zoo in Chicago,Illinois, 1938 (colour Litho)
Poster advertising Brookfield Zoo in Chicago,Illinois, 1938 (colour Litho)

DGC696800: Poster advertising Brookfield Zoo in Chicago,Illinois, 1938 (colour Litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Poster advertising the Nickel and Dime store, 1941 (colour litho)
Poster advertising the Nickel and Dime store, 1941 (colour litho)

DGC696801: Poster advertising the Nickel and Dime store, 1941 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Advertisement for Remington rifles, from the 'DuPont Magazine', August 1945 (colour litho)
Advertisement for Remington rifles, from the 'DuPont Magazine', August 1945 (colour litho)

HGL615363: Advertisement for Remington rifles, from the 'DuPont Magazine', August 1945 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Agriculture and DuPont, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', April 1947 (colour litho)
Agriculture and DuPont, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', April 1947 (colour litho)

HGL615367: Agriculture and DuPont, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', April 1947 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Textiles and DuPont, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', June-July 1947 (colour litho)
Textiles and DuPont, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', June-July 1947 (colour litho)

HGL615368: Textiles and DuPont, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', June-July 1947 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Advertisement for DuPont Combs, from the 'DuPont Magazine', June-July 1947 (colour litho)
Advertisement for DuPont Combs, from the 'DuPont Magazine', June-July 1947 (colour litho)

HGL615369: Advertisement for DuPont Combs, from the 'DuPont Magazine', June-July 1947 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Construction Industry and DuPont, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', August-September 1947 (colour litho)
The Construction Industry and DuPont, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', August-September 1947 (colour litho)

HGL615370: The Construction Industry and DuPont, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', August-September 1947 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Photography, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', June 1948 (colour litho)
Photography, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', June 1948 (colour litho)

HGL615375: Photography, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', June 1948 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Advertisement for Cellophane, from the 'DuPont Magazine', April 1949 (colour litho)
Advertisement for Cellophane, from the 'DuPont Magazine', April 1949 (colour litho)

HGL615378: Advertisement for Cellophane, from the 'DuPont Magazine', April 1949 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Quarrying industry, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', August-September 1951 (colour litho)
Quarrying industry, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', August-September 1951 (colour litho)

HGL615388: Quarrying industry, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', August-September 1951 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Engineering research, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', August-September 1953 (colour litho)
Engineering research, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', August-September 1953 (colour litho)

HGL615398: Engineering research, front cover of the 'DuPont Magazine', August-September 1953 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Her Last Port, front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', April 1922 (colour litho)
Her Last Port, front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', April 1922 (colour litho)

HGL615444: Her Last Port, front cover of the 'Morse Dry Dock Dial', April 1922 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

National Pumps Corporation Apex Meter Pump Model 30, c.1933 (colour litho)
National Pumps Corporation Apex Meter Pump Model 30, c.1933 (colour litho)

SIC830480: National Pumps Corporation Apex Meter Pump Model 30, c.1933 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Oliver Hart-Parr Row Crop Tractor Equipped With A Harvester, c.1930 (colour litho)
Oliver Hart-Parr Row Crop Tractor Equipped With A Harvester, c.1930 (colour litho)

SIC831017: Oliver Hart-Parr Row Crop Tractor Equipped With A Harvester, c.1930 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

The New Case Model 'L' & 'C' Tractors, c.1929 (colour litho)
The New Case Model 'L' & 'C' Tractors, c.1929 (colour litho)

SIC831080: The New Case Model 'L' & 'C' Tractors, c.1929 (colour litho), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

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