William granting a charter to the City of London, illustration from 'Hutchinson's Story of the British Nation', c.1920 (colour litho), Lucas, John Seymour (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images
The Reception of the Moorish Ambassador by King Edward VII at St James's Palace, 1902 (oil on canvas), Lucas, John Seymour (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images
King Charles's visit to Wren during the building of St Pauls, illustration from The History of the British People published by Waverley, c.1940 (litho), Lucas, John Seymour (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images
Flight of the five members, from Cassells History of the British People published by the Waverley Book Company Limited, c.1940 (litho), Lucas, John Seymour (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images
"The King of Spain's navy is abroad", from Cassells History of the British People published by the Waverley Book Company, c.1950's (litho), Lucas, John Seymour (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images
King Charles visits Wren during the building of St Pauls, from Cassells History of the British People published by the Waverley Book Company Limited, c.1940 (colour litho), Lucas, John Seymour (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images
Flight of the five members, illustration from The History of the British People published by Waverley, c.1940 (litho), Lucas, John Seymour (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images