PIX4626297: Saturn seen from his satellite Japet - Saturn as seen from Iapetus - Artist's view of the surface of the satellite Japet and the planet Saturn eclipsing the Sun. Saturn as seen from Iapetus Saturn produces a “” diamond ring”” effect as it eclipses the sun in this perspective from the satellite Iapetus. Artist view, Dixon, Don (b.1951) / Bridgeman Images
PIX4623968: Neptune and its rings - Illustration - Neptune and its rings - Illustration - Neptune has a system of several rings; the farthest from Neptune is called Adams and contains the bows Liberte, Egalite, Fraternity and Courage. In this artist's view, the small satellites of Neptune are also represented; from the closest to the farthest from the planet, we find: Naiade, Thalassa, Despina, Galatee, Larissa and Protee, Dixon, Don (b.1951) / Bridgeman Images
PIX4583359: Supernova and Planet - Artist's View - Supernova Explosion - Artist view - A planet devastee by the intense radiation emitted by the explosion of a star. Mountain ranges melt on the outer planet of a star that has gone supernova. Even before the wave of ejecta from the exploding star reaches the planet, the unimaginably intense radiation has turned the world's crust molten, Dixon, Don (b.1951) / Bridgeman Images
PIX4606083: Huygens probe lands on Titan. - Huygens probe lands on Titan. - Artist's view of the descent of the European probe Huygens on Titan. Huygens landed on the Titan satellite on 14 January 2005. The Cassini-Huygens probe was launched on 15 October 1997 and has been placed in orbit around Saturn since 1 July 200, Dixon, Don (b.1951) / Bridgeman Images
PIX4646146: Satellite WMAP - Illustration - Satellite WMAP - Illustration - View of satellite WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe), launched on 30 June 2001 and placed in an orbit located at the second point of Lagrange (L2) about 1.6 million km from Earth. This satellite measured temperature fluctuations in the fossil radiation of the primordial universe, Dixon, Don (b.1951) / Bridgeman Images
PIX4639479: Permanent station project between Mars and the Earth-Vue d'artiste - Mars Cycler - Artist view - Artist view of the Mars Cycler project, four space stations placed in cylindrical orbit between Mars and the Earth; this project defended by Edwin Aldrin will make it possible to make a permanent link between the two planets. Artist's concept of the Buzz Aldrin Mars Cycler. A Mars cycler is a space station project that is on a permanent orbit between the Mars and Earth, Dixon, Don (b.1951) / Bridgeman Images