Muller, Charles Louis Lucien (1815-92) Assets (17 in total)
Queen Marie Antoinette in the Conciergerie: The Prayer Table, 1856-57 (oil on board), Muller, Charles Louis Lucien (1815-92) / Bridgeman Images
Philippe Pinel (1745-1826) releasing lunatics from their chains at the Bicetre asylum in Paris in 1793, c.1840-50 (oil on canvas) (see 163911 for detail), Muller, Charles Louis Lucien (1815-92) / Bridgeman Images
Lady Macbeth Illustration for William Shakespeare's piece "MacBeth", 1848 (painting), Muller, Charles Louis Lucien (1815-92) / Bridgeman Images
Philippe Pinel (1745-1826) releasing lunatics from their chains at the Bicetre asylum in Paris in 1793, c.1840-50 (oil on canvas) (detail of 163956), Muller, Charles Louis Lucien (1815-92) / Bridgeman Images
The appeal of the last victims of terror in the prison of Saint Lazarus in July 1795 (oil on canvas), Muller, Charles Louis Lucien (1815-92) / Bridgeman Images
The last farewell of the Girondins, October 31, 1793, at the concierge prison (watercolour on paper), Muller, Charles Louis Lucien (1815-92) / Bridgeman Images
The appeal of the last victims of terror to Saint Lazare prison in Paris on 7 Thermidor year II, 1850 (oil on canvas), Muller, Charles Louis Lucien (1815-92) / Bridgeman Images
Detail of 'La Jeunesse', a panoramic wallpaper design, manufactured by Delicourt & Cie, Paris, 1855, Muller, Charles Louis Lucien (1815-92) / Bridgeman Images
James Hamilton, 2nd Marquess, and later 1st Duke, of Abercorn, 1856 (oil on canvas), Muller, Charles Louis Lucien (1815-92) / Bridgeman Images
Glory distributing palms and laurel wreaths (red, black & white chalk on blue paper), Muller, Charles Louis Lucien (1815-92) / Bridgeman Images
Jane, Marchioness of Ely, 1856 (oil over drawing in pencil, ink & wash on canvas), Muller, Charles Louis Lucien (1815-92) / Bridgeman Images