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BAL49281: Lottie and the Lady, Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BAL49281
Lottie and the Lady
Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930)
IL871965: Governor Phillip in Sydney Cove (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: IL871965
Governor Phillip in Sydney Cove (colour litho)
LLM3628249: Illustration for Romance of Empire, Australia (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3628249
Illustration for Romance of Empire, Australia (colour litho)
LLM3628254: Illustration for Romance of Empire, Australia (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3628254
LLM3628255: Illustration for Romance of Empire, Australia (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3628255
LLM3628246: Illustration for Romance of Empire, Australia (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3628246
TOP115232: Anzac - The Landing 1916 (oil on canvas), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: TOP115232
Anzac - The Landing 1916 (oil on canvas)
NGV367646: With the Light Horse in Egypt, 1918 (oil on canvas), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NGV367646
With the Light Horse in Egypt, 1918 (oil on canvas)
IL871969: Eyre and Wylie threatened (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: IL871969
Eyre and Wylie threatened (colour litho)
PNP701942: Australian Light Horseman, Allenby's Desert Campaign, 1914-18 (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PNP701942
Australian Light Horseman, Allenby's Desert Campaign, 1914-18 (colour litho)
LLM3628250: Illustration for Romance of Empire, Australia (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3628250
LLM3628257: Illustration for Romance of Empire, Australia (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3628257
IL871964: Three vessels weighed anchor (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: IL871964
Three vessels weighed anchor (colour litho)
IL871968: A little white hero (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: IL871968
A little white hero (colour litho)
IL871970: Sticking up the gold escort (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: IL871970
Sticking up the gold escort (colour litho)
LMG123028: The Pond, 1908 (oil on canvas), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LMG123028
The Pond, 1908 (oil on canvas)
WH49254: Landscape, Rounding Stock, Australia, Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: WH49254
Landscape, Rounding Stock, Australia
LLM3628256: Illustration for Romance of Empire, Australia (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3628256
LLM3628248: Illustration for Romance of Empire, Australia (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3628248
LLM5998316: A Yacht Race (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM5998316
A Yacht Race (colour litho)
LLM5998343: Royal Navy (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM5998343
Royal Navy (colour litho)
IL871966: A ship standing towards us (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: IL871966
A ship standing towards us (colour litho)
IL871971: Last stand of the Kelly's (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: IL871971
Last stand of the Kelly's (colour litho)
LLM5998313: Swabbing the decks (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM5998313
Swabbing the decks (colour litho)
LLM5998319: A Merchantman being towed up the river Thames (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM5998319
A Merchantman being towed up the river Thames (colour litho)
LLM5998329: Life Boat attempting a rescue (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM5998329
Life Boat attempting a rescue (colour litho)
LLM3628251: Illustration for Romance of Empire, Australia (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3628251
LIP1592283: Arrival of the New Governor of New South Wales at Sydney, Lord Beauchamp's Carriage passing the Custom House, Circular Quay (litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LIP1592283
Arrival of the New Governor of New South Wales at Sydney, Lord Beauchamp's Carriage passing the Custom House, Circular Quay (litho)
MAL86597: Study of a Ballet Dancer, c. 1911 (chalk on paper) (b/w photo), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MAL86597
Study of a Ballet Dancer, c. 1911 (chalk on paper) (b/w photo)
LLM3628252: Illustration for Romance of Empire, Australia (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3628252
LLM5998322: A pilot boat (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM5998322
A pilot boat (colour litho)
ADL362119: The holiday group, 1907 (oil on canvas), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: ADL362119
The holiday group, 1907 (oil on canvas)
NGV367648: A sergeant of the Light Horse in Palestine, 1920 (oil on canvas), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NGV367648
A sergeant of the Light Horse in Palestine, 1920 (oil on canvas)
IL871963: On the way to Mount Hopeless (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: IL871963
On the way to Mount Hopeless (colour litho)
IL871967: There seemed little hope (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: IL871967
There seemed little hope (colour litho)
IL871972: Death of Morgan the bush ranger (colour litho), Lambert, George Washington (1873-1930) / Bridgeman Images
ID: IL871972
Death of Morgan the bush ranger (colour litho)