Oratorio performance at the Drury Lane Theatre, part two of a triptych, 1814 (w/c and ink) (see also 84543 and 84545), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images
Oratorio performance at the Drury Lane Theatre, part one of a triptych, 1814 (w/c and ink) (see also 84544-5), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images
King George III (1738-1820) Bathing at Weymouth, 1789 (pen & ink, black & sepia washes on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images
Oratorio performance at the Drury Lane Theatre, part three of a triptych, 1814 (w/c and ink) (see also 84543-4), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images
Caricature of the audience at the Commemoration of Handel in Westminster Abbey, 1787 (ink and watercolour), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images
A duet by Miss Harriett and Miss Theodosia Abrams, Harrison's Concert, Hanover Square, 1788 (ink and wash), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images
"I declare Doctor, you look charmingly, the Bethe (sic) waters have restored your good looks again"...., 1803 (pen and ink with wash on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Mrs. Nixon with her Child, New King Street, Bath, 1800 (pen and ink with w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images
"My lambs to sell!, My lambs to sell!", Toby Jones, a boy that sells toys at Bath, 1801 (pen and ink on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images
Wigs made on the most Elegant and Approved Principles, at the Concert Room, Bath, 1796 (pen and ink with wash on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images
Brighton, showing Miss Widgett's circulating Library, Marlborough House, the Castle Inn and Assembly Rooms and the Marine Pavilion, 1792 (pen and brown ink and watercolour), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images
A Patent Extinguisher, being a safe & Easy mode Putting out a Candle, 1801 (pen, brush & ink on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images