Nixon, John (1760-1818) Assets (51 in total)

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Royal Dipping, 1789 (coloured engraving)
Royal Dipping, 1789 (coloured engraving)

HRP2624891: Royal Dipping, 1789 (coloured engraving), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

A Gallery in Westminster Abbey at the Commemoration of Handel, 1790 (ink and wash)
A Gallery in Westminster Abbey at the Commemoration of Handel, 1790 (ink and wash)

DEC84542: A Gallery in Westminster Abbey at the Commemoration of Handel, 1790 (ink and wash) , Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Oratorio performance at the Drury Lane Theatre, part two of a triptych, 1814 (w/c and ink) (see also 84543 and 84545)
Oratorio performance at the Drury Lane Theatre, part two of a triptych, 1814 (w/c and ink) (see also 84543 and 84545)

DEC84544: Oratorio performance at the Drury Lane Theatre, part two of a triptych, 1814 (w/c and ink) (see also 84543 and 84545), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Tristram Shandy, 1786 (w/c on paper)
Tristram Shandy, 1786 (w/c on paper)

XZL148121: Tristram Shandy, 1786 (w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Oratorio performance at the Drury Lane Theatre, part one of a triptych, 1814 (w/c and ink) (see also 84544-5)
Oratorio performance at the Drury Lane Theatre, part one of a triptych, 1814 (w/c and ink) (see also 84544-5)

DEC84543: Oratorio performance at the Drury Lane Theatre, part one of a triptych, 1814 (w/c and ink) (see also 84544-5), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

People on Swings in a Bath Pleasure Garden, c.1800 (w/c on paper)
People on Swings in a Bath Pleasure Garden, c.1800 (w/c on paper)

VIB316824: People on Swings in a Bath Pleasure Garden, c.1800 (w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

King George III (1738-1820) Bathing at Weymouth, 1789 (pen & ink, black & sepia washes on paper)
King George III (1738-1820) Bathing at Weymouth, 1789 (pen & ink, black & sepia washes on paper)

VIB103996: King George III (1738-1820) Bathing at Weymouth, 1789 (pen & ink, black & sepia washes on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images


AGN48100: Dublin, Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Oratorio performance at the Drury Lane Theatre, part three of a triptych, 1814 (w/c and ink) (see also 84543-4)
Oratorio performance at the Drury Lane Theatre, part three of a triptych, 1814 (w/c and ink) (see also 84543-4)

DEC84545: Oratorio performance at the Drury Lane Theatre, part three of a triptych, 1814 (w/c and ink) (see also 84543-4), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Caricature of the audience at the Commemoration of Handel in Westminster Abbey, 1787 (ink and watercolour)
Caricature of the audience at the Commemoration of Handel in Westminster Abbey, 1787 (ink and watercolour)

DEC84541: Caricature of the audience at the Commemoration of Handel in Westminster Abbey, 1787 (ink and watercolour), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Choristers, St. Mary's Church, c.1812 (pen & ink on paper)
Choristers, St. Mary's Church, c.1812 (pen & ink on paper)

TOR89641: Choristers, St. Mary's Church, c.1812 (pen & ink on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Tasting, 1782 (engraving)
Tasting, 1782 (engraving)

XJF400612: Tasting, 1782 (engraving), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

The King's Bath, Bath, 1800 (w/c on paper)
The King's Bath, Bath, 1800 (w/c on paper)

VIB98356: The King's Bath, Bath, 1800 (w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Tristram Shandy, 1786 (w/c on paper)
Tristram Shandy, 1786 (w/c on paper)

XZL150431: Tristram Shandy, 1786 (w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Mrs. Marshall, Pump Rooms, Bath, 1810 (w/c on paper)
Mrs. Marshall, Pump Rooms, Bath, 1810 (w/c on paper)

VIB98358: Mrs. Marshall, Pump Rooms, Bath, 1810 (w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

A duet by Miss Harriett and Miss Theodosia Abrams, Harrison's Concert, Hanover Square, 1788 (ink and wash)
A duet by Miss Harriett and Miss Theodosia Abrams, Harrison's Concert, Hanover Square, 1788 (ink and wash)

DEC84553: A duet by Miss Harriett and Miss Theodosia Abrams, Harrison's Concert, Hanover Square, 1788 (ink and wash), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

The Beadle at the Stocks, Bath (w/c on paper)
The Beadle at the Stocks, Bath (w/c on paper)

VIB418077: The Beadle at the Stocks, Bath (w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Edmonton Statute Fair, 1788 (w/c on paper)
Edmonton Statute Fair, 1788 (w/c on paper)

XCF477747: Edmonton Statute Fair, 1788 (w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Interior of the Pump Room, 1792 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
Interior of the Pump Room, 1792 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)

VIB872682: Interior of the Pump Room, 1792 (pen & ink with w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Maid cleaning window, 1789 (ink & w/c on paper)
Maid cleaning window, 1789 (ink & w/c on paper)

AAH3108929: Maid cleaning window, 1789 (ink & w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

A Patent Extinguisher, being a safe & Easy mode Putting out a Candle, 1801 (aquatint)
A Patent Extinguisher, being a safe & Easy mode Putting out a Candle, 1801 (aquatint)

AAH3108933: A Patent Extinguisher, being a safe & Easy mode Putting out a Candle, 1801 (aquatint), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

VIB98360: "I declare Doctor, you look charmingly, the Bethe (sic) waters have restored your good looks again"...., 1803 (pen and ink with wash on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

A Sally from Bulls, not handsome but remarkably agreeable, 1805 (pen and ink with w/c on paper)
A Sally from Bulls, not handsome but remarkably agreeable, 1805 (pen and ink with w/c on paper)

VIB98361: A Sally from Bulls, not handsome but remarkably agreeable, 1805 (pen and ink with w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Mrs. Nixon with her Child, New King Street, Bath, 1800 (pen and ink with w/c on paper)
Portrait of Mrs. Nixon with her Child, New King Street, Bath, 1800 (pen and ink with w/c on paper)

VIB98364: Portrait of Mrs. Nixon with her Child, New King Street, Bath, 1800 (pen and ink with w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

VIB98368: "My lambs to sell!, My lambs to sell!", Toby Jones, a boy that sells toys at Bath, 1801 (pen and ink on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Wigs made on the most Elegant and Approved Principles, at the Concert Room, Bath, 1796 (pen and ink with wash on paper)
Wigs made on the most Elegant and Approved Principles, at the Concert Room, Bath, 1796 (pen and ink with wash on paper)

VIB98370: Wigs made on the most Elegant and Approved Principles, at the Concert Room, Bath, 1796 (pen and ink with wash on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

The Statute, October 1787 (w/c on paper)
The Statute, October 1787 (w/c on paper)

STC468947: The Statute, October 1787 (w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Freemasons Hall and Tavern, Great Queen Street, c.1800 (w/c on paper)
Freemasons Hall and Tavern, Great Queen Street, c.1800 (w/c on paper)

FMS3066178: Freemasons Hall and Tavern, Great Queen Street, c.1800 (w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Brighton, showing Miss Widgett's circulating Library, Marlborough House, the Castle Inn and Assembly Rooms and the Marine Pavilion, 1792 (pen and brown ink and watercolour)
Brighton, showing Miss Widgett's circulating Library, Marlborough House, the Castle Inn and Assembly Rooms and the Marine Pavilion, 1792 (pen and brown ink and watercolour)

CH824082: Brighton, showing Miss Widgett's circulating Library, Marlborough House, the Castle Inn and Assembly Rooms and the Marine Pavilion, 1792 (pen and brown ink and watercolour), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

At Exeter Cathedral, 1809 (pen, ink, brush & w/c on paper)
At Exeter Cathedral, 1809 (pen, ink, brush & w/c on paper)

AAH3108930: At Exeter Cathedral, 1809 (pen, ink, brush & w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

A Patent Extinguisher, being a safe & Easy mode Putting out a Candle, 1801 (pen, brush & ink on paper)
A Patent Extinguisher, being a safe & Easy mode Putting out a Candle, 1801 (pen, brush & ink on paper)

AAH3108931: A Patent Extinguisher, being a safe & Easy mode Putting out a Candle, 1801 (pen, brush & ink on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Seeing, pub. by William Wells, 1784 (engraving)
Seeing, pub. by William Wells, 1784 (engraving)

CWA98160: Seeing, pub. by William Wells, 1784 (engraving), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

A Crying Boy at Bath, 1801 (pen and ink with wash on paper)
A Crying Boy at Bath, 1801 (pen and ink with wash on paper)

VIB98369: A Crying Boy at Bath, 1801 (pen and ink with wash on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

Congregation, St. Mary's Church, c.1812 (ink & sepia wash on paper)
Congregation, St. Mary's Church, c.1812 (ink & sepia wash on paper)

TOR89640: Congregation, St. Mary's Church, c.1812 (ink & sepia wash on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

On the Raceground, Newbury, 1806 (pen & ink and w/c on paper)
On the Raceground, Newbury, 1806 (pen & ink and w/c on paper)

AGN271149: On the Raceground, Newbury, 1806 (pen & ink and w/c on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

A Town Crier on the Parades, Bath, 1795 (pen and ink on paper)
A Town Crier on the Parades, Bath, 1795 (pen and ink on paper)

VIB98367: A Town Crier on the Parades, Bath, 1795 (pen and ink on paper), Nixon, John (1760-1818) / Bridgeman Images

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