Liberi, Pietro (1614-87) Assets (13 in total)

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Penitent Mary Magdalene with putti
Penitent Mary Magdalene with putti

XAM70707: Penitent Mary Magdalene with putti, Liberi, Pietro (1614-87) / Bridgeman Images

Bathsheba Bathing, 1655-70 (oil on canvas)
Bathsheba Bathing, 1655-70 (oil on canvas)

KSL247479: Bathsheba Bathing, 1655-70 (oil on canvas), Liberi, Pietro (1614-87) / Bridgeman Images

The Birth of St. John the Baptist
The Birth of St. John the Baptist

AII78625: The Birth of St. John the Baptist, Liberi, Pietro (1614-87) / Bridgeman Images

The Finding of Moses (oil on canvas)
The Finding of Moses (oil on canvas)

XIR47620: The Finding of Moses (oil on canvas), Liberi, Pietro (1614-87) / Bridgeman Images

Venus and Adonis. 17th century (Oil on canvas)
Venus and Adonis. 17th century (Oil on canvas)

TRK7144502: Venus and Adonis. 17th century (Oil on canvas), Liberi, Pietro (1614-87) / Bridgeman Images

Self Portrait
Self Portrait

CPH1762405: Self Portrait, Liberi, Pietro (1614-87) / Bridgeman Images

Diane et Callisto (Diana and Callisto), 17th century (oil on canvas)
Diane et Callisto (Diana and Callisto), 17th century (oil on canvas)

FIA5340443: Diane et Callisto (Diana and Callisto), 17th century (oil on canvas), Liberi, Pietro (1614-87) / Bridgeman Images

Punishment of the snakes (oil on board)
Punishment of the snakes (oil on board)

CPH365803: Punishment of the snakes (oil on board), Liberi, Pietro (1614-87) / Bridgeman Images

The Victory of the Venetians over the Turk in the Dardanelles (oil on canvas)
The Victory of the Venetians over the Turk in the Dardanelles (oil on canvas)

CPH365940: The Victory of the Venetians over the Turk in the Dardanelles (oil on canvas), Liberi, Pietro (1614-87) / Bridgeman Images

Apotheosis of Emperor Leopold I of Austria (1640-1705), 1658-59
Apotheosis of Emperor Leopold I of Austria (1640-1705), 1658-59

XAM70706: Apotheosis of Emperor Leopold I of Austria (1640-1705), 1658-59, Liberi, Pietro (1614-87) / Bridgeman Images

Allegory of Vices (oil on canvas)
Allegory of Vices (oil on canvas)

CPH3714574: Allegory of Vices (oil on canvas), Liberi, Pietro (1614-87) / Bridgeman Images

FIA5327588: "Urania", 17th century, Liberi, Pietro (1614-87) / Bridgeman Images

Female Nude
Female Nude

PRX3125081: Female Nude, Liberi, Pietro (1614-87) / Bridgeman Images

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