LRI4623912: Portrait of Alessandro de Medici (Alexander of Medici called the Moor) (1510-1572) Duke of Florence Painting by Allori Angelo di Cosimo dit Bronzino (1503-1572) 16th century Sun 15x12 cm Palace Medici-Riccardi (Medici Riccardi) Florence, Bronzino, Agnolo di Cosimo (1503-72) / Bridgeman Images
GRL6375632: Allegorical portrait of Dante. Agnolo Bronzino 1532-1533, private collection.On the right the hill of Purgatory. In the centerDante shows a volume with pages referring to Canto XXV of Paradise. With his right hand he protects Florence, represented by his most important and representative buildings. Bottom left: the flames of Hell., Bronzino, Agnolo di Cosimo (1503-72) / Bridgeman Images
LRI4603089: Portrait of Guidobaldo II Della Rovere (1514-1574) Duke of Urbino (Guidobaldo II della Rovere, Duke of Urbino) Painting by Bronzino Agnolo di Cosimo di Mariano (1503-1572) 1531-1532, Oil on wood, Dim 114x86 cm Florence, Palazzo Pitti, Bronzino, Agnolo di Cosimo (1503-72) / Bridgeman Images