FLO4661144: Rose without a thorn, Rosa francofurtana variety, Rosier turbine sans thorn. Handcoloured stipple copperplate engraving from Pierre Joseph Redoute's “” Les Roses,”” Paris, 1828. Redoute was botanical artist to Marie Antoinette and Empress Josephine. He painted over 170 watercolours of roses from the gardens of Malmaison., Redouté, Pierre Joseph (1759-1840) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4661157: Boursault rose, Rosa l'heritierana variety, Rosier L'Heritier. Handcoloured stipple copperplate engraving from Pierre Joseph Redoute's “” Les Roses,”” Paris, 1828. Redoute was botanical artist to Marie Antoinette and Empress Josephine. He painted over 170 watercolours of roses from the gardens of Malmaison., Redouté, Pierre Joseph (1759-1840) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4661165: Hemp-leaved white rose, Rosa alba var. cannabifolia, white rose with hemp leaves. Handcoloured stipple copperplate engraving from Pierre Joseph Redoute's “” Les Roses,”” Paris, 1828. Redoute was botanical artist to Marie Antoinette and Empress Josephine. He painted over 170 watercolours of roses from the gardens of Malmaison., Redouté, Pierre Joseph (1759-1840) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4661270: Botanical Board, Flower, Rose Variete: The Pompon of Burgundy (Rosa Pomponia Burgundiaca). Unknown origin, exitant variety before 1664. In “” Les Roses”, Volume 2 by Pierre Joseph Redoute (1759-1840), 1828. Copper engraving, hand-coloured print, in-octavo book format., Redouté, Pierre Joseph (1759-1840) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4661355: During fruited pink alpine, Rosa pendulina. Handcoloured stipple copperplate engraving from Pierre Joseph Redoute's “” Les Roses,”” Paris, 1828. Redoute was botanical artist to Marie Antoinette and Empress Josephine. He painted over 170 watercolours of roses from the gardens of Malmaison., Redouté, Pierre Joseph (1759-1840) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4661396: Botanical Board, Flower, Rose Variete: Hudson rose with flowers almost in Corymbe (Rosa hudsonia subcorymbosa), from North America, this variety was cultivated by Monsieur Ternaux before 1821. In “” Les Roses”, Volume 2 by Pierre Joseph Redoute (1759-1840), 1828. Copper engraving, hand-coloured print, in-octavo book format., Redouté, Pierre Joseph (1759-1840) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4616249: Bigleaf periwinkle, large periwinkle or blue periwinkle, Vinca major. Handcoloured stipple engraving by Duruisseau after an illustration by Pierre-Joseph Redoute from Henri Louis Duhamel du Moncel's Treat des Arbres et Shrustes, Paris, 1804-1819., Redouté, Pierre Joseph (1759-1840) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4616391: Tree of heaven, ailanthus or chouchun, Ailanthus altissima (Aylanthus glandulosa). Handcoloured stipple engraving by Moret after an illustration by Pierre-Joseph Redoute from Henri Louis Duhamel du Moncel's Treat des Arbres et Shrustes, Paris, 1804-1819., Redouté, Pierre Joseph (1759-1840) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4616521: Common smilax, rough bindweed, sarsaparilla or Mediterranean smilax, Smilax aspera (Smilax excelsa). Handcoloured stipple engraving by Mixelle l'aine after an illustration by Pierre-Joseph Redoute from Henri Louis Duhamel du Moncel's Treat des Arbres et Shrustes, Paris, 1804-1819., Redouté, Pierre Joseph (1759-1840) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4616540: Common hoptree, stinking ash or wafer ash, Ptelea trifoliata. Handcoloured stipple engraving by Mixelle l'aine after an illustration by Pierre-Joseph Redoute from Henri Louis Duhamel du Moncel's Treat des Arbres et Shrustes, Paris, 1804-1819., Redouté, Pierre Joseph (1759-1840) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4616574: Eastern baccharis, groundsel bush, sea myrtle or saltbush, Baccharis halimifolia. Handcoloured stipple engraving by Miss Brenet after an illustration by Pierre-Joseph Redoute from Henri Louis Duhamel du Moncel's Treat des Arbres et Shrustes, Paris, 1804-1819., Redouté, Pierre Joseph (1759-1840) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4661028: Hundred-Petalled Anemone rose, Rosa centifolia variety, La Centfeuilles Anemone. Handcoloured stipple copperplate engraving from Pierre Joseph Redoute's “” Les Roses,”” Paris, 1828. Redoute was botanical artist to Marie Antoinette and Empress Josephine. He painted over 170 watercolours of roses from the gardens of Malmaison., Redouté, Pierre Joseph (1759-1840) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4661097: Agatha prolifere rose, Rosa gallica variety. Handcoloured stipple copperplate engraving from Pierre Joseph Redoute's “” Les Roses,”” Paris, 1828. Redoute was botanical artist to Marie Antoinette and Empress Josephine. He painted over 170 watercolours of roses from the gardens of Malmaison., Redouté, Pierre Joseph (1759-1840) / Bridgeman Images