XEE4136635: The Jesuit Mandarins: the Italian missionary Jesuit Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) in China. Engraving from 1845 in “” The dramatic and picturesque history of the Jesuites from the foundation of the order to the present day”” by Adolphe Boucher, drawing by Theophile Fragonard (1806 - 1876). Private collection., Fragonard, Theophile Evariste (1806-76) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4136645: The “” voeu de Montmartre”” was made on 15 August 1534 by Ignace de Loyola (Sant Ignazio or Saint Ignatius, 1491-1556) with Pierre Favre (1506-1546), Francois Xavier (or Francois-Xavier or Francisco de Javier, 1506-1552), Jacques Lainez (1512-1565). Engraving from 1845 in “” The dramatic and picturesque history of the Jesuites from the foundation of the order to the present day”” by Adolphe Boucher, drawing by Theophile Fragonard (1806 - 1876). Private collection., Fragonard, Theophile Evariste (1806-76) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4137051: The false Emperor: A Chinese child presents Pope Alexander VII as the son of Chinese emperor Zhu Youlang (Reign Name Yongli). The false prince was settled in his throne decor in the Chinese in Rome. The Jesuites would have set up this scene to show the glory of Jesuites in China. Mid-17th century. Engraving from 1845 in “” The dramatic and picturesque history of the Jesuites from the foundation of the order to the present day”” by Adolphe Boucher, drawing by Theophile Fragonard (1806 - 1876). Private collection., Fragonard, Theophile Evariste (1806-76) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4136632: Jesuit missionaries arrived by boat to the Guarani Indians in Paraguay in 1553. Engraving from 1845 in “” The dramatic and picturesque history of the Jesuites from the foundation of the order to the present day”” by Adolphe Boucher, drawing by Theophile Fragonard (1806 - 1876). Private collection., Fragonard, Theophile Evariste (1806-76) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4136639: Saint Francois Xavier (or Francois-Xavier or Francisco de Javier, 1506-1552), Jesuit missionary, clashes with the practices of the Brahman (Brahmanic religion or Brahmanism) in India. Engraving from 1845 in “” The dramatic and picturesque history of the Jesuites from the foundation of the order to the present day”” by Adolphe Boucher, drawing by Theophile Fragonard (1806 - 1876). Private collection., Fragonard, Theophile Evariste (1806-76) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4136642: Jesuite Nicolas Bobadilla (1511-1590) at the Battle of Muehlberg (Muhlberg) (April 24, 1547). Engraving from 1845 in “” The dramatic and picturesque history of the Jesuites from the foundation of the order to the present day”” by Adolphe Boucher, drawing by Theophile Fragonard (1806 - 1876). Private collection., Fragonard, Theophile Evariste (1806-76) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4136777: The eve of arms: Ignatius of Loyola (Sant Ignazio or Saint Ignatius, 1491-1556), Spanish religious, founder of the Jesuites Order or company of Jesus in the chapel of Our Lady of Mount Serrat (Mount Serrat), engraving of 1845 in “” Dramatic and picturesque history of Jesuites from the founding of the Order to the present day by Adolphe Boucher, Drawing by Theophile Fragonard (1806-1876). Private collection., Fragonard, Theophile Evariste (1806-76) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4136630: Jesuit missionaries from Paraguay drove Bernardin de Cardenas (eveque of Paraguay) from Spain, and launched an attack on the town of Asuncion (Asuncion) (Assumption) in 1649. Engraving from 1845 in “” The dramatic and picturesque history of the Jesuites from the foundation of the order to the present day”” by Adolphe Boucher, drawing by Theophile Fragonard (1806 - 1876). Private collection., Fragonard, Theophile Evariste (1806-76) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4136778: Ignatius of Loyola (Sant Ignazio or Saint Ignatius, 1491-1556), Spanish religious, founder of the Jesuites Order or company of Jesus on Piazza di Pasquino in Rome followed by a long line of women, engraving of 1845 in “” Dramatic and picturesque history of the Jesuites from the founding of the Order to the present day by Adolphe Boucher, drawing by Theophile Fragonard (1806-1876). Private collection., Fragonard, Theophile Evariste (1806-76) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4137047: Legend of St Thomas: The apostle Saint Thomas appears before the Indians of Meliapour (= Mylapore) by fleeing the 3 gods of the Hindu Triad. Engraving from 1845 in “” The dramatic and picturesque history of the Jesuites from the foundation of the order to the present day”” by Adolphe Boucher, drawing by Theophile Fragonard (1806 - 1876). Private collection., Fragonard, Theophile Evariste (1806-76) / Bridgeman Images