The Crystal Palace Dog Show, Russian Wolf Hounds awaiting their turn to enter the Ring (engraving), Armour, George Denholm (1864-1949) / Bridgeman Images
See! 'ow they range, from Mr Jorrocks' Lectors published by Hodder & Stoughton, 1910 (colour litho), Armour, George Denholm (1864-1949) / Bridgeman Images
Mark 'ow he runs the covers hutmost limits, from Mr Jorrocks' Lectors published by Hodder & Stoughton, 1910 (colour litho), Armour, George Denholm (1864-1949) / Bridgeman Images
Better for to charge wiggorously, from Mr Jorrocks' Lectors published by Hodder & Stoughton, 1910 (colour litho), Armour, George Denholm (1864-1949) / Bridgeman Images
One gentl'mans 'oss is to be seen resting, from Mr Jorrocks' Lectors published by Hodder & Stoughton, 1910 (colour litho), Armour, George Denholm (1864-1949) / Bridgeman Images
The Insurrection in Morocco, Prisoners captured by the Sultan's Soldiers (engraving), Armour, George Denholm (1864-1949) / Bridgeman Images
See 'ow they top the 'edge, from Mr Jorrocks' Lectors published by Hodder & Stoughton, 1910 (colour litho), Armour, George Denholm (1864-1949) / Bridgeman Images
Now my lad mind the 'untsmans, from Mr Jorrocks' Lectors published by Hodder & Stoughton, 1910 (colour litho), Armour, George Denholm (1864-1949) / Bridgeman Images