The Disembarkation of Warriors in a Port, possibly Aeneas in Latium, 1660-65 (pen & ink wash with gouache on paper), Claude Lorrain (Claude Gellee) (1600-82) / Bridgeman Images
Pastoral landscape with a view of Lake Albano and Castel Gondolfo, 1639 (oil on tin), Claude Lorrain (Claude Gellee) (1600-82) / Bridgeman Images
Landscape with a river, a herd of cattle and a herdsman (pen, w/c & bistre wash), Claude Lorrain (Claude Gellee) (1600-82) / Bridgeman Images
Landscape with Apollo guarding the Cattle of Admetus and Mercury stealing them (oil on canvas), Claude Lorrain (Claude Gellee) (1600-82) / Bridgeman Images
View of Carthage with Dido and Aeneas, 1676 (pen & ink with wash and chalk, heightened with white on paper), Claude Lorrain (Claude Gellee) (1600-82) / Bridgeman Images