Dongen, Kees van (1877-1968) Assets (295 in total)
The fetards. Painting by Kees Van Dongen (1877-1968), oil on canvas, French art. 20th century. Dim. 41 x 33 cm. Museum of Modern Art in Troyes., Dongen, Kees van (1877-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Girls in Zandstraat; Les Jeunes Filles de Zandstraat, 1902 (brush, black ink and watercolour on paper), Dongen, Kees van (1877-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Nude Standing-Poster Project; Nu Debout-Projet d'Affiche, 1905 (watercolour, brush and black ink, coloured crayons and gouache o), Dongen, Kees van (1877-1968) / Bridgeman Images
Bathers at Deauville; Baigneuses a Deauville, c. 1925 (watercolour and pencil on paper laid down on board), Dongen, Kees van (1877-1968) / Bridgeman Images