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STC434370: Prince Henry at the Battle of Prague, 6 May 1757 (colour litho), Rochling, Carl (1855-1920) / Bridgeman Images
ID: STC434370
Prince Henry at the Battle of Prague, 6 May 1757 (colour litho)
Rochling, Carl (1855-1920)
STC434381: On the morning after the attack at Hochkirch (colour litho), Rochling, Carl (1855-1920) / Bridgeman Images
ID: STC434381
On the morning after the attack at Hochkirch (colour litho)
STC434394: When dealing with the country's children (colour litho), Rochling, Carl (1855-1920) / Bridgeman Images
ID: STC434394
When dealing with the country's children (colour litho)