Man of Sorrows with instruments of the Passion, 1404 (tempera on panel), Lorenzo Monaco, (Piero di Giovanni) (c.1370-1425) / Bridgeman Images
St. Joachim is expelled from the Temple and Meeting at the Golden Gate, c.1420 (fresco), Lorenzo Monaco, (Piero di Giovanni) (c.1370-1425) / Bridgeman Images
Madonna and Child enthroned with Saints, detail showing the Madonna and Child, polytych, 1413 (tempera on panel) (for detail see 87050), Lorenzo Monaco, (Piero di Giovanni) (c.1370-1425) / Bridgeman Images
Madonna and Child Enthroned with SS. Lucy, John Gualberto, Benedict and Catherine, polyptych 1413 (tempera on panel) (for detail see 87036), Lorenzo Monaco, (Piero di Giovanni) (c.1370-1425) / Bridgeman Images
The Coronation of the Virgin, detail showing Christ crowning the Virgin, 1414 (tempera on panel), Lorenzo Monaco, (Piero di Giovanni) (c.1370-1425) / Bridgeman Images
Christ Suffering and the Symbols of the Passion, 1404 (tempera on board), Lorenzo Monaco, (Piero di Giovanni) (c.1370-1425) / Bridgeman Images
Triptych with the Madonna and Four Saints, Pietro di Giovanni also known as Lorenzo Monaco, 1410, 15th Century, tempera on board, Lorenzo Monaco, (Piero di Giovanni) (c.1370-1425) / Bridgeman Images