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APY2651102: After Dark, 2006 (acrylic on panel), Lubar, Katherine / Bridgeman Images
ID: APY2651102
After Dark, 2006 (acrylic on panel)
Lubar, Katherine
APY5979127: Broken Street, 2004 (acrylic on panel), Lubar, Katherine / Bridgeman Images
ID: APY5979127
Broken Street, 2004 (acrylic on panel)
APY2651105: Galileo's Room, 2001 (acrylic on panel), Lubar, Katherine / Bridgeman Images
ID: APY2651105
Galileo's Room, 2001 (acrylic on panel)
APY5979162: 68º, 2009 (acrylic on panel), Lubar, Katherine / Bridgeman Images
ID: APY5979162
68º, 2009 (acrylic on panel)
APY5979131: Negative Light Patterns, 1998 (acrylic on panel), Lubar, Katherine / Bridgeman Images
ID: APY5979131
Negative Light Patterns, 1998 (acrylic on panel)
APY5979275: Crosses, 2002 (acrylic on panel), Lubar, Katherine / Bridgeman Images
ID: APY5979275
Crosses, 2002 (acrylic on panel)
APY5979132: Moose Lamp, 2006 (acrylic on panel), Lubar, Katherine / Bridgeman Images
ID: APY5979132
Moose Lamp, 2006 (acrylic on panel)
APY5979129: Stall, 2001 (acrylic on panel), Lubar, Katherine / Bridgeman Images
ID: APY5979129
Stall, 2001 (acrylic on panel)
APY2651103: Design with Window, 1998 (acrylic on canvas), Lubar, Katherine / Bridgeman Images
ID: APY2651103
Design with Window, 1998 (acrylic on canvas)