GIU5040197: Mahdist War (Sudan War) (1881-1899): forces in presence at the Battle of Omdurman (right the Sudanese dervishes and left the Anglo-Egyptian army) on 2/09/1898 - Mahdist War (or the Mahdist Revolt): Battle of Omdurman (2 September 1898) between sudanese and british-egyptian army - by Giuseppe Rava, Rava, Giuseppe (b.1963) / Bridgeman Images
GIU5040395: First Empire: Dutch Belgian artillery soldiers firing cannon shots at the Battle of Waterloo 18/06/1815 - First empire: soldiers of the belgian and dutch artillery shooting with gun during the battle of Waterloo on 18 June 1815 - Illustration by Giuseppe Rava, Rava, Giuseppe (b.1963) / Bridgeman Images
GIU5040432: First empire, German campaign: Russian line infantry defeated at the Battle of Leipzig in October 1813 - First empire, German campaign: russian line infantry defeated by french army during battle of Leipzig (Battle of the Nations), october 1813 - Illustration by Giuseppe Rava, Rava, Giuseppe (b.1963) / Bridgeman Images
GIU5040435: War of the Spanish Succession: the Battle of Denain, July 24, 1712 won by the Marechal de Villars over Prince Eugene of Savoy - War of the Spanish Succession: the Battle of Denain French victory under Marshal Villars against Austrian and Dutch forces under Prince Eugene of Savoy on July 24, 1712 - Illustration by Giuseppe Rava, Rava, Giuseppe (b.1963) / Bridgeman Images
GIU5040019: Prussia and Poland Campaign: Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821) on the eve of the Battle of Iena and Auerstaedt 14/10/1805 - The emperor Napoleon I the night before the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt (Jena Auerstedt) against prussian army on 14 October 1805 - Illustration by Giuseppe Rava, Rava, Giuseppe (b.1963) / Bridgeman Images
GIU5040440: War of Indochina: Plan of the Battle of Dien Bien Phu (Dien-Bien-Phu) opposing the French army to that of Vietnam from November 1953 to May 1954 - First Indochina war: map of the Battle of Dien Bien Phu between the French Union's French Far East Expeditionary Corps and Viet Minh communist-nationalist revolutionaries in 1954 - Illustration by Giuseppe Rava, Rava, Giuseppe (b.1963) / Bridgeman Images
GIU5040198: Italian Campaign of 1859 (Second Italian Independence War): the charge of the Zouaves of the French Armee of Napoleon III during the Battle of Solferino on 24/06/1859 - Second Italian War of Independence (Franco-Austrian War, Austro-Sardinian War, Austro-Piedmontese War or Italian War of 1859): french zouaves during Battle of Solferino and San Martino on 24 June 1859 - Illustration by Giuseppe Rava, Rava, Giuseppe (b.1963) / Bridgeman Images
GIU5040226: Risorgimento, First Italian War of Independence, Italian students during the battle of Curtatone and Montanara on 29/05/1848 - First Italian War of Independence, italian students during the battle of Curtatone and Montanara, on 29 May 1848 - Illustration by Giuseppe Rava, Rava, Giuseppe (b.1963) / Bridgeman Images