Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) Assets (260 in total)

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Choirboy, 1894 (oil on canvas)
Choirboy, 1894 (oil on canvas)

CH988836: Choirboy, 1894 (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Child, 1894 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a Child, 1894 (oil on canvas)

PHL2650023: Portrait of a Child, 1894 (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of the Children of Gabriel Thomas (oil on canvas, 1894)
Portrait of the Children of Gabriel Thomas (oil on canvas, 1894)

LRI4664082: Portrait of the Children of Gabriel Thomas (oil on canvas, 1894), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Young Woman Powdering Her Face (oil on canvas, 19th century)
Young Woman Powdering Her Face (oil on canvas, 19th century)

LRI4664099: Young Woman Powdering Her Face (oil on canvas, 19th century), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Girl in a Boat with Geese, 1889 (oil on canvas)
Girl in a Boat with Geese, 1889 (oil on canvas)

XOS5614648: Girl in a Boat with Geese, 1889 (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a young girl, 1887 (black lead on paper)
Portrait of a young girl, 1887 (black lead on paper)

XIR414970: Portrait of a young girl, 1887 (black lead on paper), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

After Botticelli's 'Primavera', 1881 (pencil on paper)
After Botticelli's 'Primavera', 1881 (pencil on paper)

XIR383944: After Botticelli's 'Primavera', 1881 (pencil on paper), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Profile of a young seated woman, 1887 (coloured pencil on paper)
Profile of a young seated woman, 1887 (coloured pencil on paper)

XIR383945: Profile of a young seated woman, 1887 (coloured pencil on paper), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Young girl sitting in a garden, 1887 (coloured pencil on paper)
Young girl sitting in a garden, 1887 (coloured pencil on paper)

XIR383971: Young girl sitting in a garden, 1887 (coloured pencil on paper), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Picking cherries, 1891 (oil on canvas) (see also 18907) (b/w photo)
Picking cherries, 1891 (oil on canvas) (see also 18907) (b/w photo)

XIR242749: Picking cherries, 1891 (oil on canvas) (see also 18907) (b/w photo), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Young Woman in a Garden, 1883 (oil on canvas) (b/w photo)
Young Woman in a Garden, 1883 (oil on canvas) (b/w photo)

XIR242750: Young Woman in a Garden, 1883 (oil on canvas) (b/w photo), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Young Girl: Isabelle, 1885 (pastel on paper)
Young Girl: Isabelle, 1885 (pastel on paper)

UEA419955: Young Girl: Isabelle, 1885 (pastel on paper), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Young Woman and Child, 1894 (oil on canvas)
Young Woman and Child, 1894 (oil on canvas)

XOS937925: Young Woman and Child, 1894 (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Lucie Léon at the Piano, 1892 (oil on canvas)
Lucie Léon at the Piano, 1892 (oil on canvas)

SEM7079110: Lucie Léon at the Piano, 1892 (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

The Front of a Yacht (L'Avant d'un yacht), 1875 (watercolour & graphite on cream wove paper)
The Front of a Yacht (L'Avant d'un yacht), 1875 (watercolour & graphite on cream wove paper)

XCK7131473: The Front of a Yacht (L'Avant d'un yacht), 1875 (watercolour & graphite on cream wove paper), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Woman in a pink dress
Portrait of a Woman in a pink dress

PWI82326: Portrait of a Woman in a pink dress, Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Children by the Side of a Lake; Enfants au Bord du Lac, 1894 (oil on canvas)
Children by the Side of a Lake; Enfants au Bord du Lac, 1894 (oil on canvas)

CH652780: Children by the Side of a Lake; Enfants au Bord du Lac, 1894 (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Alice Gamby (oil on canvas)
Alice Gamby (oil on canvas)

CH401002: Alice Gamby (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

On the Banks of the Seine at Bougival, 1883 (oil on canvas)
On the Banks of the Seine at Bougival, 1883 (oil on canvas)

XOS2431475: On the Banks of the Seine at Bougival, 1883 (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Head of a Woman, 1886 (pastel on paper)
Head of a Woman, 1886 (pastel on paper)

XIR216604: Head of a Woman, 1886 (pastel on paper), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

The Pink Dress, c.1870 (oil on canvas)
The Pink Dress, c.1870 (oil on canvas)

XOS3746306: The Pink Dress, c.1870 (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

The Artist's Daughter with a Parakeet, 1890 (oil on canvas)
The Artist's Daughter with a Parakeet, 1890 (oil on canvas)

XOS5614644: The Artist's Daughter with a Parakeet, 1890 (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

The banks of the Loire, 1887 (w/c on paper)
The banks of the Loire, 1887 (w/c on paper)

XIR383942: The banks of the Loire, 1887 (w/c on paper), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Nanny at the End of the Garden; Nourrice au Fond d'un Jardin, 1880 (oil on canvas)
Nanny at the End of the Garden; Nourrice au Fond d'un Jardin, 1880 (oil on canvas)

CH656064: Nanny at the End of the Garden; Nourrice au Fond d'un Jardin, 1880 (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Young Woman in a Blue Corset; Jeune Fille au Corset Bleu, 1891 (oil on canvas)
Young Woman in a Blue Corset; Jeune Fille au Corset Bleu, 1891 (oil on canvas)

CH825414: Young Woman in a Blue Corset; Jeune Fille au Corset Bleu, 1891 (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Sketch of a woman's head and lines of colour, possibly from a sketchbook, 1887 (w/c & pencil on paper)
Sketch of a woman's head and lines of colour, possibly from a sketchbook, 1887 (w/c & pencil on paper)

XIR179376: Sketch of a woman's head and lines of colour, possibly from a sketchbook, 1887 (w/c & pencil on paper), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Young Girl with Hat (oil on canvas)
Young Girl with Hat (oil on canvas)

XCC5860706: Young Girl with Hat (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Young Girl with an Apron, 1891 (oil on canvas)
Young Girl with an Apron, 1891 (oil on canvas)

XOS5614645: Young Girl with an Apron, 1891 (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Young Woman with Brown Hair, 1894 (w/c & graphite on paper)
Young Woman with Brown Hair, 1894 (w/c & graphite on paper)

PHL434487: Young Woman with Brown Hair, 1894 (w/c & graphite on paper), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

The Sail Boat (w/c on paper)
The Sail Boat (w/c on paper)

HLN428565: The Sail Boat (w/c on paper), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Young girl lying down under a tree, 1891 (coloured pencil on paper)
Young girl lying down under a tree, 1891 (coloured pencil on paper)

XIR383938: Young girl lying down under a tree, 1891 (coloured pencil on paper), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Bushes by the lake, 1893 (coloured pencil on paper)
Bushes by the lake, 1893 (coloured pencil on paper)

XIR383939: Bushes by the lake, 1893 (coloured pencil on paper), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Two Children, 1893 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Two Children, 1893 (oil on canvas)

CH100791: Portrait of Two Children, 1893 (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Little Girl with a Bird, 1891 (oil on canvas)
Little Girl with a Bird, 1891 (oil on canvas)

CH987432: Little Girl with a Bird, 1891 (oil on canvas), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Julie Seated (w/c on paper)
Julie Seated (w/c on paper)

CH400996: Julie Seated (w/c on paper), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

Marthe Givaudan (pencil on paper)
Marthe Givaudan (pencil on paper)

CH872918: Marthe Givaudan (pencil on paper), Morisot, Berthe (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images

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