Terry Gilliam - American-born British film director, screenwriter, Monty Python member and animator, born 1940, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
Kathleen Ferrier - colour caricature as Orpheus from the 1762 opera 'Orfeo ed Euridice' by Christoph Gluck (German composer, 1714- 17 87), Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
Tatiana Troyanos - colour caricature as Venus, from the 1845 opera 'Tannhaüser' by Richard Wagner (German composer, 1813-83), Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
Tatiana Troyanos - colour caricature as Octavian from the 1911 opera 'Der Rosenkavalier' by Richard Strauss (German composer, 1864-1949); libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal (Austrian writer and dramatist, 1874-1929), Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
Signs of the Zodiac: 'Leotard Leo tamer' from a series of fashion caricatures, one for each sign of the zodiac, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
Signs of the Zodiac: 'Virgo blue belle' from a series of fashion caricatures, one for each sign of the zodiac, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images