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OSN3915272: Medicine: Nurse in green uniform, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915272
Medicine: Nurse in green uniform
Osborne, Neale
OSN3915281: Assorted pink shoes, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915281
Assorted pink shoes
OSN3915286: Speaking Finnish - illustration, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915286
Speaking Finnish - illustration
OSN3915289: Speaking Swedish - illustration, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915289
Speaking Swedish - illustration
OSN3915307: Lecturer - illustration, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915307
Lecturer - illustration
OSN3915319: Dripping tap - illustration, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915319
Dripping tap - illustration
OSN3915116: Bull market rising - allegorical illustration of financial markets, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915116
Bull market rising - allegorical illustration of financial markets
OSN3915125: Alan Turing - caricature of English mathematician, 1912 - 1954, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915125
Alan Turing - caricature of English mathematician, 1912 - 1954
OSN3915146: Stéphane Mallarmé - caricature of French poet (1842-98), Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915146
Stéphane Mallarmé - caricature of French poet (1842-98)
OSN3915147: Francis Scott Fitzgerald - caricature of American novelist and short-story writer, 1896-1940, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915147
Francis Scott Fitzgerald - caricature of American novelist and short-story writer, 1896-1940
OSN3915154: Tippi Hedren - caricature of American actress, born 1935, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915154
Tippi Hedren - caricature of American actress, born 1935
OSN3915155: Gustave Flaubert - caricature of French novelist and short-story writer (1821-80), Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915155
Gustave Flaubert - caricature of French novelist and short-story writer (1821-80)
OSN3915183: Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, Doctor Who's assistant in BBC television series of the same name, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915183
Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, Doctor Who's assistant in BBC television series of the same name
OSN3915190: Louise Jameson as Leela, assistant to Doctor Who in BBC television series of same name, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915190
Louise Jameson as Leela, assistant to Doctor Who in BBC television series of same name
OSN3915205: Red high boot hat: from a series inspired by Elsa Schiaparell i's shoe-shaped hat, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915205
Red high boot hat: from a series inspired by Elsa Schiaparell i's shoe-shaped hat
OSN3915207: Man in a blue suit, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3915207
Man in a blue suit
OSN3918230: Memorial of graves on cemeteries in France and Belgium from World War One, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3918230
Memorial of graves on cemeteries in France and Belgium from World War One
OSN3918238: Irish-born, British Field Marshall, First Earl Kitchener, caricature in uniform and fez, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3918238
Irish-born, British Field Marshall, First Earl Kitchener, caricature in uniform and fez
OSN3918243: Herbert Kitchener -Irish-born, British Field Marshall, First Earl Kitchener, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3918243
Herbert Kitchener -Irish-born, British Field Marshall, First Earl Kitchener
OSN3918245: World War One lettering, signage, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3918245
World War One lettering, signage
OSN3918247: Ferdinand Foch -French Marshall (1851-1929); colour caricature, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3918247
Ferdinand Foch -French Marshall (1851-1929); colour caricature
OSN3917797: Picture inspired by Sir Harrison Birtwistle's vocal work Pulse Shadows, to a text by Paul Celan, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3917797
Picture inspired by Sir Harrison Birtwistle's vocal work Pulse Shadows, to a text by Paul Celan
OSN3917816: Picture inspired by Sir Harrison Birtwistle's vocal work Pulse Shadows, to a text by Paul Celan, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3917816
OSN3917818: Paul Dukas - caricature, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3917818
Paul Dukas - caricature
OSN3917829: Sir Harrison Birtwistle - colour caricature, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3917829
Sir Harrison Birtwistle - colour caricature
OSN3917830: Illustration for the final scene of Lulu, 1935 opera by Alban Berg (Austrian composer, 1885-1935) based on Frank Wedekind's plays Erdgeist (1895) and Die Büchse der Pandora (Pandora's Box, 1901), Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3917830
Illustration for the final scene of Lulu, 1935 opera by Alban Berg (Austrian composer, 1885-1935) based on Frank Wedekind's plays Erdgeist (1895) and Die Büchse der Pandora (Pandora's Box, 1901)
OSN3917832: Nikolai Roslavets - black-and-white caricature, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3917832
Nikolai Roslavets - black-and-white caricature
OSN3917834: Alfred Schnittke - colour caricature, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3917834
Alfred Schnittke - colour caricature
OSN3917835: Sir Harrison Birtwistle - colour caricature, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3917835
OSN3917836: Sir Lennox Berkeley - caricature, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3917836
Sir Lennox Berkeley - caricature
OSN3918252: World War One soldiers with bayonets - emerging from trenches, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3918252
World War One soldiers with bayonets - emerging from trenches
OSN3918253: World War One soldiers with bayonets - emerging from trenches, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3918253
OSN3918263: William the Second, emperor of Germany; King of Prussia (1859-1941); colour caricature, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3918263
William the Second, emperor of Germany; King of Prussia (1859-1941); colour caricature
OSN3918264: William the Second, emperor of Germany; King of Prussia (1859-1941); caricature with eagle helmet, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3918264
William the Second, emperor of Germany; King of Prussia (1859-1941); caricature with eagle helmet
OSN3918266: Paul von Hindenburg - Polish-born, German general and president (1847-1934); black-and-white caricature, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3918266
Paul von Hindenburg - Polish-born, German general and president (1847-1934); black-and-white caricature
OSN3918267: William the Second, emperor of Germany; King of Prussia (1859-1941); caricature, Osborne, Neale / Bridgeman Images
ID: OSN3918267
William the Second, emperor of Germany; King of Prussia (1859-1941); caricature