the harvest. Peasants mowing the wheat in a field. (based on the watercolour of L. Lhermitte) Engraving in “” Le sun-du-dimanche””, August 6, 1899., Lhermitte, Leon Augustin (1844-1925) / Bridgeman Images
The Weaver's Workshop at Dinan or, The Weaver and his Wife, 1893 (charcoal on paper), Lhermitte, Leon Augustin (1844-1925) / Bridgeman Images
Henri Debray, Henri Deville, Alfred Ditte, Paul Hautefeuille, Louis Joseph Troost at the Ecole normale superieure, c. 1865-1875 lithograph), Lhermitte, Leon Augustin (1844-1925) / Bridgeman Images
The Distillery; Les Degustateurs d'Eau-de-Vie-de Marc ou L'Alambic, c.1872 (charcoal on paper), Lhermitte, Leon Augustin (1844-1925) / Bridgeman Images
The crowd of the Marche des Halles in Paris in the 19th century, 1895 (oil on canvas), Lhermitte, Leon Augustin (1844-1925) / Bridgeman Images