Father Damien, Belgian Catholic missionary, on his mission to the leper colony on Molokai, Hawaii, 1873-1889 (colour litho), Mills, Alfred Wallis (1855-1942) / Bridgeman Images
James Graham, Marquis of Montrose, Scottish Royalist commander, receiving news of an invasion of Irish troops in Scotland, 1644 (colour litho), Mills, Alfred Wallis (1855-1942) / Bridgeman Images
British general Charles George Gordon galloping across the Sahara Desert on a camel (colour litho), Mills, Alfred Wallis (1855-1942) / Bridgeman Images
Captive Gauls fighting each other to the death in front of Hannibal for the opportunity to join the Carthaginian army (litho), Mills, Alfred Wallis (1855-1942) / Bridgeman Images