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MRZ5036603: The musician angel Painting by Vincenzo Irolli (1860-1949) 1900 Private Collection, Irolli, Vicenzo (1860-1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MRZ5036603
The musician angel Painting by Vincenzo Irolli (1860-1949) 1900 Private Collection
Irolli, Vicenzo (1860-1945)
MRZ5036710: The Musician Angel (detail) - The Musician Angel, 1900-05 (oil on canvas) - by Irolli, Vicenzo (1860-1945) - Fondazione Cariplo, Milan, Lombardy, Italy, Irolli, Vicenzo (1860-1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MRZ5036710
The Musician Angel (detail) - The Musician Angel, 1900-05 (oil on canvas) - by Irolli, Vicenzo (1860-1945) - Fondazione Cariplo, Milan, Lombardy, Italy
CH700737: Far Away Thoughts (oil on canvas), Irolli, Vicenzo (1860-1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH700737
Far Away Thoughts (oil on canvas)