Composition of Glass, Pears and Two Diamonds; Composition aux Verre, Poires et Deux de Carreau, (oil on canvas), Metzinger, Jean (1883-1956) / Bridgeman Images
Still Life with Flowers and Fruit; Nature Morte aux Fleurs et aux Fruits, c.1925 (oil on canvas), Metzinger, Jean (1883-1956) / Bridgeman Images
Woman in the Foreground with Basket of Flowers, with Still Life in Background, 1930-1940 (oil on canvas), Metzinger, Jean (1883-1956) / Bridgeman Images
Woman in front and profile Painting by Jean Metzinger (1883-1956) 1917 Paris, national museum of modern art, Metzinger, Jean (1883-1956) / Bridgeman Images