View of the Uffizi Grandstand (Tribuna degli Uffizi) by Bernardo Buontalenti (1531-1608) commissioned by Duke Francois I of Medicis in 1574. Florence, Buontalenti, Bernardo (1536-1608) / Bridgeman Images
View of the stairs of the presbytery made for the church of Santa Trinita in Florence, 1574, Buontalenti, Bernardo (1536-1608) / Bridgeman Images
Interior of the cave made by Bernardo Buontalenti (1531-1608) (Grotta del Buontalenti) (1583-1588) Detail Palazzo Pitti, Giardino di Boboli, Florence, Italy, Buontalenti, Bernardo (1536-1608) / Bridgeman Images
Facade of the cave made by Bernardo Buontalenti (1531-1608) (Grotta del Buontalenti) (1583-1588) Palazzo Pitti, Giardino di Boboli, Florence, Italy, Buontalenti, Bernardo (1536-1608) / Bridgeman Images
Model in wood of the facade of the cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, c. 1586, Buontalenti, Bernardo (1536-1608) / Bridgeman Images
Project for the decor and machinery of an intermede, Le Tromphe de Circe (watercolour), Buontalenti, Bernardo (1536-1608) / Bridgeman Images