Central Nave, Plume First and Second Span South, IL Pordenone, Busts with Prophets, Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio (1484-1539) / Bridgeman Images
Central Ave, Lesena Upper Part Above Capital First and Second Span South, IL Pordenone, Putto, Detail, Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio (1484-1539) / Bridgeman Images
Altar of Saint Catherine, Madonna and Child between Saints Philip and James and the donor Giacomo Schizzi, 1522, Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio (1484-1539) / Bridgeman Images
Central Aisle, First South Span, Christ nailed to the Cross, The Pordenone, 1520-21, Detail, Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio (1484-1539) / Bridgeman Images
Central Aisle, First South Span, Christ nailed to the Cross, The Pordenone, 1520-21, Detail, Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio (1484-1539) / Bridgeman Images
Central Aisle, First South Span, Christ nailed to the Cross, The Pordenone, 1520-21, Detail, Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio (1484-1539) / Bridgeman Images
Central nave, Second South Span, Jesus falls under the Cross, Il Pordenone, 1520-21, Detail, Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio (1484-1539) / Bridgeman Images
Central Nave, Third and Fourth South Span Plume, IL Pordenone 1520, Busts with Prophets, Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio (1484-1539) / Bridgeman Images
Lunette depicting the Adoration of the Shepherds, 1530-32 (fresco) (detail of 3601441), Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio (1484-1539) / Bridgeman Images
Enthroned Madonna with St John the Baptist, St Catherine, St Daniel and St Peter, (panel), Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio (1484-1539) / Bridgeman Images
St. Martin cutting his cloak in two, study for the left panel of a chest, c.1527 (red chalk on paper), Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio (1484-1539) / Bridgeman Images
Central Aisle, First South Span, Christ nailed to the Cross, The Pordenone, 1520-21, Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio (1484-1539) / Bridgeman Images
Central Aisle, First South Span, Christ nailed to the Cross, The Pordenone, 1520-21, Detail, Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio (1484-1539) / Bridgeman Images
Central nave, Second South Span, Jesus falls under the Cross, Il Pordenone, 1520-21, Detail, Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio (1484-1539) / Bridgeman Images
Central nave, Second South Span, Jesus falls under the Cross, Il Pordenone, 1520-21, Detail, Pordenone, Giovanni Antonio (1484-1539) / Bridgeman Images