Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) Assets (35 in total)

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The Last Supper, c.1390 (tempera on poplar wood)
The Last Supper, c.1390 (tempera on poplar wood)

BFM286798: The Last Supper, c.1390 (tempera on poplar wood), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

'Cosroe uses the power of the cross to invoke the adoration from his people' and 'Heraclius' Dream and his Victory over Cosroe', c.1380 (fresco)
'Cosroe uses the power of the cross to invoke the adoration from his people' and 'Heraclius' Dream and his Victory over Cosroe', c.1380 (fresco)

FAF79355: 'Cosroe uses the power of the cross to invoke the adoration from his people' and 'Heraclius' Dream and his Victory over Cosroe', c.1380 (fresco), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Creche (crib) Painting by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396) Duomo, Cappella del Sacro Cingolo Prato
Creche (crib) Painting by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396) Duomo, Cappella del Sacro Cingolo Prato

LRI4578168: Creche (crib) Painting by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396) Duomo, Cappella del Sacro Cingolo Prato, Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

St. Helena digs to find the True Cross, from the 'Legend of the True Cross' Cycle by Agnolo Gaddi, chapel of the Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence, c.1380 (fresco)
St. Helena digs to find the True Cross, from the 'Legend of the True Cross' Cycle by Agnolo Gaddi, chapel of the Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence, c.1380 (fresco)

FAF1272574: St. Helena digs to find the True Cross, from the 'Legend of the True Cross' Cycle by Agnolo Gaddi, chapel of the Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence, c.1380 (fresco), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

The Three Gaddi, Taddeo, Zenobi and Agnolo or Angelo
The Three Gaddi, Taddeo, Zenobi and Agnolo or Angelo

SCP50384: The Three Gaddi, Taddeo, Zenobi and Agnolo or Angelo, Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

The Archangel Gabriel; Christ the Redeemer; The Virgin Annunciate on gold ground panels, (triptych)
The Archangel Gabriel; Christ the Redeemer; The Virgin Annunciate on gold ground panels, (triptych)

CH36694: The Archangel Gabriel; Christ the Redeemer; The Virgin Annunciate on gold ground panels, (triptych), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Triptych, 1388, by Agnolo Gaddi (1369-1396).
Triptych, 1388, by Agnolo Gaddi (1369-1396).

TRK1109603: Triptych, 1388, by Agnolo Gaddi (1369-1396)., Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

King Solomon Burying one of the Beams of the Cross, c.1380 (fresco)
King Solomon Burying one of the Beams of the Cross, c.1380 (fresco)

XOS3114349: King Solomon Burying one of the Beams of the Cross, c.1380 (fresco), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

The Coronation of the Virgin, c.1370 (tempera on panel)
The Coronation of the Virgin, c.1370 (tempera on panel)

XOS877581: The Coronation of the Virgin, c.1370 (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

The Annunciation, detail from the cycle of The Life of the Virgin and the Sacred Girdle, from the Cappella della Sacra Cintola (Chapel of the Sacred Girdle) 1392-95 (fresco) (see 87072)
The Annunciation, detail from the cycle of The Life of the Virgin and the Sacred Girdle, from the Cappella della Sacra Cintola (Chapel of the Sacred Girdle) 1392-95 (fresco) (see 87072)

KAB87068: The Annunciation, detail from the cycle of The Life of the Virgin and the Sacred Girdle, from the Cappella della Sacra Cintola (Chapel of the Sacred Girdle) 1392-95 (fresco) (see 87072), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Heads (drawing, 14th century)
Heads (drawing, 14th century)

LRI4572288: Heads (drawing, 14th century), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

The Conversion of St. Paul (Conversione di San Paolo), by Agnolo Gaddi, 14th Century
The Conversion of St. Paul (Conversione di San Paolo), by Agnolo Gaddi, 14th Century

MEB3599360: The Conversion of St. Paul (Conversione di San Paolo), by Agnolo Gaddi, 14th Century, Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna del Latte with Saints (tempera on panel)
Madonna del Latte with Saints (tempera on panel)

AII80331: Madonna del Latte with Saints (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

La Cappella della Sacra Cintola (The Chapel of the Sacred Girdle) detail depicting scenes from the Life of the Virgin and the Sacred Girdle and the Evangelists on the ceiling of the apse, 1392-95 (fresco)
La Cappella della Sacra Cintola (The Chapel of the Sacred Girdle) detail depicting scenes from the Life of the Virgin and the Sacred Girdle and the Evangelists on the ceiling of the apse, 1392-95 (fresco)

KAB87169: La Cappella della Sacra Cintola (The Chapel of the Sacred Girdle) detail depicting scenes from the Life of the Virgin and the Sacred Girdle and the Evangelists on the ceiling of the apse, 1392-95 (fresco), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

The Annunciation Fresco by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396) 14th century Prato, Cathedrale, Cappella del Sacro Cingolo
The Annunciation Fresco by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396) 14th century Prato, Cathedrale, Cappella del Sacro Cingolo

LRI4578157: The Annunciation Fresco by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396) 14th century Prato, Cathedrale, Cappella del Sacro Cingolo, Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna with Child and Saints, 1375 (tempera and oil on panel)
Madonna with Child and Saints, 1375 (tempera and oil on panel)

MEB854348: Madonna with Child and Saints, 1375 (tempera and oil on panel), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

The Crucifixion (tempera on panel)
The Crucifixion (tempera on panel)

AII85675: The Crucifixion (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Crucifixion, Detail (tempera on panel, 14th century)
Crucifixion, Detail (tempera on panel, 14th century)

LRI4605666: Crucifixion, Detail (tempera on panel, 14th century), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna of Humility and Six Angels, 1390-1396 (tempera on board)
Madonna of Humility and Six Angels, 1390-1396 (tempera on board)

MEP2627486: Madonna of Humility and Six Angels, 1390-1396 (tempera on board), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Windows with saints, (stained-glass window)
Windows with saints, (stained-glass window)

ELC856499: Windows with saints, (stained-glass window), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

St. Mary Magdalene, St. Benedict, St. Bernard Of Clairveaux And St. Catherine Of Alexandria (tempera and gold on wood)
St. Mary Magdalene, St. Benedict, St. Bernard Of Clairveaux And St. Catherine Of Alexandria (tempera and gold on wood)

IMA1557476: St. Mary Magdalene, St. Benedict, St. Bernard Of Clairveaux And St. Catherine Of Alexandria (tempera and gold on wood), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Queen of Sheba Adoring the Cross and Solomon Burying one of the Beams of the Cross (fresco) (b/w photo)
Queen of Sheba Adoring the Cross and Solomon Burying one of the Beams of the Cross (fresco) (b/w photo)

FAF167682: Queen of Sheba Adoring the Cross and Solomon Burying one of the Beams of the Cross (fresco) (b/w photo), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna of Humility (tempera on panel)
Madonna of Humility (tempera on panel)

AII80529: Madonna of Humility (tempera on panel), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Legend of the true cross: 'Saint Helene (248-328), the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine I (272-337) discovers the Holy Cross in Palestine' Fresco by Agnolo Gaddi (circa 1350-1396). 14th century Church of Santa Croce, Florence.
Legend of the true cross: 'Saint Helene (248-328), the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine I (272-337) discovers the Holy Cross in Palestine' Fresco by Agnolo Gaddi (circa 1350-1396). 14th century Church of Santa Croce, Florence.

LRI4612636: Legend of the true cross: 'Saint Helene (248-328), the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine I (272-337) discovers the Holy Cross in Palestine' Fresco by Agnolo Gaddi (circa 1350-1396). 14th century Church of Santa Croce, Florence., Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

View of the Chapel Castellani (or Sacrament) decoree of frescoes by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396), episodes of the life of Saint Anthony the Great, (view of the frescoes in Castellani Chapel and chancel by Agnolo Gaddi) 1390 Basilica santa croce, Florence Italy
View of the Chapel Castellani (or Sacrament) decoree of frescoes by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396), episodes of the life of Saint Anthony the Great, (view of the frescoes in Castellani Chapel and chancel by Agnolo Gaddi) 1390 Basilica santa croce, Florence Italy

LRI4585345: View of the Chapel Castellani (or Sacrament) decoree of frescoes by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396), episodes of the life of Saint Anthony the Great, (view of the frescoes in Castellani Chapel and chancel by Agnolo Gaddi) 1390 Basilica santa croce, Florence Italy, Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Two Musical Angels, a detail from The Life of the Virgin and the Sacred Girdle, from the Chapel of the Sacred Girdle, 1392-95 (fresco) (see 87080, 87073, 87072)
Two Musical Angels, a detail from The Life of the Virgin and the Sacred Girdle, from the Chapel of the Sacred Girdle, 1392-95 (fresco) (see 87080, 87073, 87072)

KAB87111: Two Musical Angels, a detail from The Life of the Virgin and the Sacred Girdle, from the Chapel of the Sacred Girdle, 1392-95 (fresco) (see 87080, 87073, 87072), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

View of the Chapel Castellani (or Sacrament) decoree of frescoes by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396), episodes of the life of Saint Anthony the Great, (view of the frescoes in Castellani Chapel and chancel by Agnolo Gaddi) 1390 Basilica santa croce, Florence Italy
View of the Chapel Castellani (or Sacrament) decoree of frescoes by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396), episodes of the life of Saint Anthony the Great, (view of the frescoes in Castellani Chapel and chancel by Agnolo Gaddi) 1390 Basilica santa croce, Florence Italy

LRI4585350: View of the Chapel Castellani (or Sacrament) decoree of frescoes by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396), episodes of the life of Saint Anthony the Great, (view of the frescoes in Castellani Chapel and chancel by Agnolo Gaddi) 1390 Basilica santa croce, Florence Italy, Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images


PFA51884: Crucifixion, Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna and Child with SS. John the Evangelist, John the Baptist, James of Compostella and Nicholas of Bari, c.1388-90 (tempera & gold on panel)
Madonna and Child with SS. John the Evangelist, John the Baptist, James of Compostella and Nicholas of Bari, c.1388-90 (tempera & gold on panel)

NGV252185: Madonna and Child with SS. John the Evangelist, John the Baptist, James of Compostella and Nicholas of Bari, c.1388-90 (tempera & gold on panel), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

A Portable Triptych with the Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels,  (tempera on gold ground panel)
A Portable Triptych with the Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels,  (tempera on gold ground panel)

CH827748: A Portable Triptych with the Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels, (tempera on gold ground panel), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Annunciation, in the Cappella del Sacro Cingolo (fresco)
Annunciation, in the Cappella del Sacro Cingolo (fresco)

BAT52691: Annunciation, in the Cappella del Sacro Cingolo (fresco), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

View of the Chapel Castellani (or Sacrament) decoree of frescoes by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396), episodes of the life of Saint Anthony the Great, (view of the frescoes in Castellani Chapel and chancel by Agnolo Gaddi) 1390 Basilica santa croce, Florence Italy
View of the Chapel Castellani (or Sacrament) decoree of frescoes by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396), episodes of the life of Saint Anthony the Great, (view of the frescoes in Castellani Chapel and chancel by Agnolo Gaddi) 1390 Basilica santa croce, Florence Italy

LRI4583412: View of the Chapel Castellani (or Sacrament) decoree of frescoes by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396), episodes of the life of Saint Anthony the Great, (view of the frescoes in Castellani Chapel and chancel by Agnolo Gaddi) 1390 Basilica santa croce, Florence Italy, Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

The left wall of the Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence, Italy, decorated with frescoes, 14th century
The left wall of the Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence, Italy, decorated with frescoes, 14th century

LRI4572293: The left wall of the Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence, Italy, decorated with frescoes, 14th century, Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna and Child Enthroned (tempera on gilt ground panel)
Madonna and Child Enthroned (tempera on gilt ground panel)

KSG153840: Madonna and Child Enthroned (tempera on gilt ground panel), Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

Virgin and Child with SS. Anthony of Padua, Peter, Catherine and John the Baptist
Virgin and Child with SS. Anthony of Padua, Peter, Catherine and John the Baptist

LEE62666: Virgin and Child with SS. Anthony of Padua, Peter, Catherine and John the Baptist, Gaddi, Agnolo (c.1350-96) / Bridgeman Images

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