Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) Assets (686 in total)

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The Filiation (La Filiacion), 1799 (etching)
The Filiation (La Filiacion), 1799 (etching)

XDM1071368: The Filiation (La Filiacion), 1799 (etching), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

It is time, Caprices, Plaque 80
It is time, Caprices, Plaque 80

TRK1775381: It is time, Caprices, Plaque 80, Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of the Marquesa de Santiago, 1804 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of the Marquesa de Santiago, 1804 (oil on canvas)

XOS1765259: Portrait of the Marquesa de Santiago, 1804 (oil on canvas), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

You will not find it, 1814-28 (ink on paper)
You will not find it, 1814-28 (ink on paper)

AIS291910: You will not find it, 1814-28 (ink on paper), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Militar y senora (!Ay Munecos!) (ink on paper)
Militar y senora (!Ay Munecos!) (ink on paper)

AIS291922: Militar y senora (!Ay Munecos!) (ink on paper), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Plate from Los Caprichos, 1797-1798
Plate from Los Caprichos, 1797-1798

MNS880900: Plate from Los Caprichos, 1797-1798, Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Plate from Los Caprichos, 1797-1798
Plate from Los Caprichos, 1797-1798

MNS880904: Plate from Los Caprichos, 1797-1798, Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Plate from Los Caprichos, 1797-1798
Plate from Los Caprichos, 1797-1798

MNS880917: Plate from Los Caprichos, 1797-1798, Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Plate from Los Caprichos, 1797-1798
Plate from Los Caprichos, 1797-1798

MNS880922: Plate from Los Caprichos, 1797-1798, Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Might the pupil know more? From Los Caprichos, first published 1799 (etching & aquatint)
Might the pupil know more? From Los Caprichos, first published 1799 (etching & aquatint)

HST862012: Might the pupil know more? From Los Caprichos, first published 1799 (etching & aquatint), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of King Charles IV of Spain hunting (oil on canvas)
Portrait of King Charles IV of Spain hunting (oil on canvas)

XIR899663: Portrait of King Charles IV of Spain hunting (oil on canvas), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

The Old Women (detail of the faces), 1808-1812 (oil on canvas)
The Old Women (detail of the faces), 1808-1812 (oil on canvas)

XIR896310: The Old Women (detail of the faces), 1808-1812 (oil on canvas), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

The Body of Christ Entombed (detail of the head of Christ and the angel) (oil on canvas)
The Body of Christ Entombed (detail of the head of Christ and the angel) (oil on canvas)

XIR900615: The Body of Christ Entombed (detail of the head of Christ and the angel) (oil on canvas) , Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

To Rise and Fall (Subir y bajar), 1797-98 (etching and aquatint)
To Rise and Fall (Subir y bajar), 1797-98 (etching and aquatint)

TBM3614321: To Rise and Fall (Subir y bajar), 1797-98 (etching and aquatint), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Charity of a Woman, illustration from 'The Disasters of War' series, c.1810-20 (crayon on paper)
Charity of a Woman, illustration from 'The Disasters of War' series, c.1810-20 (crayon on paper)

LRI2562943: Charity of a Woman, illustration from 'The Disasters of War' series, c.1810-20 (crayon on paper), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

The Disasters of War : Cat Pantomime (etching from preparatory drawing, 1863)
The Disasters of War : Cat Pantomime (etching from preparatory drawing, 1863)

LRI4606466: The Disasters of War : Cat Pantomime (etching from preparatory drawing, 1863), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of King Ferdinand VII in royal costume (oil on canvas, c. 1815)
Portrait of King Ferdinand VII in royal costume (oil on canvas, c. 1815)

LRI4605959: Portrait of King Ferdinand VII in royal costume (oil on canvas, c. 1815), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Social topics of the Academy of San Fernando: “” Corrida in a village”” Painting by Francisco Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828) 1812-1814 Dim. 45x72 cm Madrid, academy of San Fernando
Social topics of the Academy of San Fernando: “” Corrida in a village”” Painting by Francisco Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828) 1812-1814 Dim. 45x72 cm Madrid, academy of San Fernando

LRI4606049: Social topics of the Academy of San Fernando: “” Corrida in a village”” Painting by Francisco Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828) 1812-1814 Dim. 45x72 cm Madrid, academy of San Fernando, Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Ferdinand Guillemardet, 1798-99 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Ferdinand Guillemardet, 1798-99 (oil on canvas)

IBE5369369: Portrait of Ferdinand Guillemardet, 1798-99 (oil on canvas), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Count Francois de Cabarrus (Francisco de Cabarrus, 1752-1810), financier and economist, founder of the first Spanish central bank, 1788 (oil on canvas)
Count Francois de Cabarrus (Francisco de Cabarrus, 1752-1810), financier and economist, founder of the first Spanish central bank, 1788 (oil on canvas)

IBE5372675: Count Francois de Cabarrus (Francisco de Cabarrus, 1752-1810), financier and economist, founder of the first Spanish central bank, 1788 (oil on canvas), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Hunting quail, 1775 (tapestry cartoon)
Hunting quail, 1775 (tapestry cartoon)

IBE5367317: Hunting quail, 1775 (tapestry cartoon), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Bullfighting: The Moors plays the cape with another bull in an enclosure, 1816 (etching)
Bullfighting: The Moors plays the cape with another bull in an enclosure, 1816 (etching)

IBE5348846: Bullfighting: The Moors plays the cape with another bull in an enclosure, 1816 (etching), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Bullfighting: a bullfighter enters the arena to kill the bull with a hat instead of the muleta, 1816 (etching)
Bullfighting: a bullfighter enters the arena to kill the bull with a hat instead of the muleta, 1816 (etching)

IBE5348866: Bullfighting: a bullfighter enters the arena to kill the bull with a hat instead of the muleta, 1816 (etching), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

IBE5380015: "Los Caprichos": You will not escape (No te escaparàs), 1799 (drawing), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

A kneeling nun in prayer, early 19th century (drawing)
A kneeling nun in prayer, early 19th century (drawing)

IBE5380029: A kneeling nun in prayer, early 19th century (drawing), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Se quieren mucho (They love each other very much), 1824-28 (pencil on grey laid paper)
Se quieren mucho (They love each other very much), 1824-28 (pencil on grey laid paper)

IBE5380059: Se quieren mucho (They love each other very much), 1824-28 (pencil on grey laid paper), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

A Witch on a Journey, 1824-28 (drawing)
A Witch on a Journey, 1824-28 (drawing)

IBE5380068: A Witch on a Journey, 1824-28 (drawing), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Que disparate, pensar aun en matrimonio (What nonsense, to still think of marriage), c. 1819-23 (Brush, Indian ink, preliminary drawing with black stone, on white laid paper)
Que disparate, pensar aun en matrimonio (What nonsense, to still think of marriage), c. 1819-23 (Brush, Indian ink, preliminary drawing with black stone, on white laid paper)

IBE5380071: Que disparate, pensar aun en matrimonio (What nonsense, to still think of marriage), c. 1819-23 (Brush, Indian ink, preliminary drawing with black stone, on white laid paper), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

The Devil gathers them, 1824-28 (red chalk drawing)
The Devil gathers them, 1824-28 (red chalk drawing)

IBE5380072: The Devil gathers them, 1824-28 (red chalk drawing), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

The Washerwomen, late 18th-early 19th century (drawing)
The Washerwomen, late 18th-early 19th century (drawing)

IBE5379516: The Washerwomen, late 18th-early 19th century (drawing), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Manuela Telz Giron y Pimentel (1794-1838), Duchess of Abrantes, 1816 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Manuela Telz Giron y Pimentel (1794-1838), Duchess of Abrantes, 1816 (oil on canvas)

FIA5401642: Portrait of Manuela Telz Giron y Pimentel (1794-1838), Duchess of Abrantes, 1816 (oil on canvas), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

The truth, time and history - Truth, Time and History (oil on canvas)
The truth, time and history - Truth, Time and History (oil on canvas)

FIA5408972: The truth, time and history - Truth, Time and History (oil on canvas), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

A Bullfight village, 1812-14 (oil on wood)
A Bullfight village, 1812-14 (oil on wood)

FIA5609824: A Bullfight village, 1812-14 (oil on wood), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Can't Anyone Untie Us? (¿No hay quien no desate?), 1797-98 (etching and aquatint on laid paper)
Can't Anyone Untie Us? (¿No hay quien no desate?), 1797-98 (etching and aquatint on laid paper)

TBM5751505: Can't Anyone Untie Us? (¿No hay quien no desate?), 1797-98 (etching and aquatint on laid paper), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

The Topers, circa 1850 (oil on canvas)
The Topers, circa 1850 (oil on canvas)

NCR7082192: The Topers, circa 1850 (oil on canvas), Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

Procession of Village (Processione di villaggio), by Francisco Goya y Lucientes, 1786 - 1787, 18th Century, oil on canvas, 169 x 137 cm
Procession of Village (Processione di villaggio), by Francisco Goya y Lucientes, 1786 - 1787, 18th Century, oil on canvas, 169 x 137 cm

ELC852823: Procession of Village (Processione di villaggio), by Francisco Goya y Lucientes, 1786 - 1787, 18th Century, oil on canvas, 169 x 137 cm, Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de (1746-1828) / Bridgeman Images

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