The Table Opera for the Children of the People, also this year, in all the Municipalities of Italy (colour litho), Molino, Walter (1915-1997) / Bridgeman Images
The crew of an Italian Mas, rather than handing themselves over to the enemy, in Malta, decided to destroy the ship (colour litho), Molino, Walter (1915-1997) / Bridgeman Images
A gentleman who believed he had lost his wife under the rubble of a house that collapsed during (colour litho), Molino, Walter (1915-1997) / Bridgeman Images
Also this year in many Italian municipalities wheat has been grown in gardens and parks (colour litho), Molino, Walter (1915-1997) / Bridgeman Images
During a performance of the famous Barnum circus in America, a fire broke out (colour litho), Molino, Walter (1915-1997) / Bridgeman Images