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AGN342933: Masada on the Dead Sea, 1858 (pencil, pen & ink, w/c and bodycolour on blue paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: AGN342933
Masada on the Dead Sea, 1858 (pencil, pen & ink, w/c and bodycolour on blue paper)
Lear, Edward (1812-88)
LLM966307: There was an Old Person of Sark, who made an unpleasant remark (litho), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM966307
There was an Old Person of Sark, who made an unpleasant remark (litho)
LLM966308: There was an Old Person of Filey, of whom his acquaintance spok highly (litho), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM966308
There was an Old Person of Filey, of whom his acquaintance spok highly (litho)
ZSL1065172: Sketches of animals at the Zoological Gardens (litho), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: ZSL1065172
Sketches of animals at the Zoological Gardens (litho)
XYC136246: Genezzano, 17 May 1838 (graphite on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XYC136246
Genezzano, 17 May 1838 (graphite on paper)
XYC136247: Greek Woodcutter, 13 June 1856 (pen, ink and w/c over graphite on wove paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XYC136247
Greek Woodcutter, 13 June 1856 (pen, ink and w/c over graphite on wove paper)
CEC131738: Parrot: Plate 16 (w/c), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CEC131738
Parrot: Plate 16 (w/c)
PFA207999: Corte, 5.30 am, 20th May, 1868 (pen & ink and w/c on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PFA207999
Corte, 5.30 am, 20th May, 1868 (pen & ink and w/c on paper)
KNW210803: Conurus monachus (Bodd.), 1831 (w/c on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KNW210803
Conurus monachus (Bodd.), 1831 (w/c on paper)
KNW210806: Psittacula malaccensis (Lath.), 1831 (w/c on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KNW210806
Psittacula malaccensis (Lath.), 1831 (w/c on paper)
KNW210821: Paloeornis India, 1830s (w/c on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KNW210821
Paloeornis India, 1830s (w/c on paper)
KNW210829: Ephialtes, 1831 (w/c on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KNW210829
Ephialtes, 1831 (w/c on paper)
KNW210832: Penelope pileata, Licht., August 1835 (w/c on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KNW210832
Penelope pileata, Licht., August 1835 (w/c on paper)
KNW210834: Pipra galeata, Licht., 1831 (w/c on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KNW210834
Pipra galeata, Licht., 1831 (w/c on paper)
KNW210836: Rhynchoea semicollaris, Gray., 1831 (w/c on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KNW210836
Rhynchoea semicollaris, Gray., 1831 (w/c on paper)
KNW210843: Paloeornis melanorhynchus, Syties., September 1835 (w/c on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KNW210843
Paloeornis melanorhynchus, Syties., September 1835 (w/c on paper)
KNW210845: Penelope pipile, Lacq., August 1835 (w/c on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KNW210845
Penelope pipile, Lacq., August 1835 (w/c on paper)
KNW210903: Capito aurovirens, July 1836 (w/c on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KNW210903
Capito aurovirens, July 1836 (w/c on paper)
KNW210917: Tinamus ...?, June 1835 (w/c on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KNW210917
Tinamus ...?, June 1835 (w/c on paper)
KNW210918: Lamprotornis, August 1835 (w/c on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KNW210918
Lamprotornis, August 1835 (w/c on paper)
KNW210938: Polytelis Barrabandi, October 1836 (w/c on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KNW210938
Polytelis Barrabandi, October 1836 (w/c on paper)
MAK79786: Morn Broadened on the Borders of Darkness (oil on canvas), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MAK79786
Morn Broadened on the Borders of Darkness (oil on canvas)
FAS71132: The Rock, Korax, Ithaca, 1863 (w/c), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS71132
The Rock, Korax, Ithaca, 1863 (w/c)
FAS46935: Aboo Seer: Northern Nile, Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS46935
Aboo Seer: Northern Nile
AGN65453: The Monastery of Esphigmenou (w/c), 1856, Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: AGN65453
The Monastery of Esphigmenou (w/c), 1856
AGN271173: Castel dell' Osa, 1845 (pen & ink on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: AGN271173
Castel dell' Osa, 1845 (pen & ink on paper)
AGN260396: Warwick Castle (pen & ink, w/c and bodycolour on paper), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: AGN260396
Warwick Castle (pen & ink, w/c and bodycolour on paper)
FAF3572435: Views in Rome and its environs': Castle and town of Bracciano on the lake of the same name, Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAF3572435
Views in Rome and its environs': Castle and town of Bracciano on the lake of the same name
FAF3572442: Views in Rome and its environs': view of L'Ariccia and of the palace of the Chigi, Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAF3572442
Views in Rome and its environs': view of L'Ariccia and of the palace of the Chigi
FAF3572451: Views in Rome and its environs': Rome from via Porta San Paolo, Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAF3572451
Views in Rome and its environs': Rome from via Porta San Paolo
FAF3572456: Views in Rome and its environs': Tivoli with Mecaenas's villa, Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAF3572456
Views in Rome and its environs': Tivoli with Mecaenas's villa
LLM3625531: The Jumblies (engraving), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3625531
The Jumblies (engraving)
LLM3625537: Calico Pie (engraving), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3625537
Calico Pie (engraving)
BON55258: S. Salvador, Corfu, 1862 (pen, ink and wash), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BON55258
S. Salvador, Corfu, 1862 (pen, ink and wash)
FAS71233: Travellers in a wood, Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS71233
Travellers in a wood
FAS45465: Corfu, Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS45465