Fonollosa, Francisco (d.c.1998) Assets (116 in total)

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Portrait of the German philosopher Friedrich Wilhem Joseph von Schelling (1775-1854).
Portrait of the German philosopher Friedrich Wilhem Joseph von Schelling (1775-1854).

TRK4900370: Portrait of the German philosopher Friedrich Wilhem Joseph von Schelling (1775-1854)., Fonollosa, Francisco (d.c.1998) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Hippocrates the Great (460-370 BC) Greek physician, 20th century (painting)
Portrait of Hippocrates the Great (460-370 BC) Greek physician, 20th century (painting)

IBE5376240: Portrait of Hippocrates the Great (460-370 BC) Greek physician, 20th century (painting), Fonollosa, Francisco (d.c.1998) / Bridgeman Images

Prehistory: River fishing in paleolothic.
Prehistory: River fishing in paleolothic.

TRK4899187: Prehistory: River fishing in paleolothic., Fonollosa, Francisco (d.c.1998) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), American writer.
Portrait of Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), American writer.

TRK4900048: Portrait of Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), American writer., Fonollosa, Francisco (d.c.1998) / Bridgeman Images

Profile portrait of Ibn Rushd (Ibn Rushd) known as Averroes (1126-1198), an Arab philosopher and doctor, founder of the Laic thought.
Profile portrait of Ibn Rushd (Ibn Rushd) known as Averroes (1126-1198), an Arab philosopher and doctor, founder of the Laic thought.

TRK4900174: Profile portrait of Ibn Rushd (Ibn Rushd) known as Averroes (1126-1198), an Arab philosopher and doctor, founder of the Laic thought., Fonollosa, Francisco (d.c.1998) / Bridgeman Images


TRK4899350: “" Alexander the Great or Alexander III of Macedonian (356-323 BC) visits the workshop of the Greek painter Apelle (Apelle de Cos, Apeles or Apeles) "”., Fonollosa, Francisco (d.c.1998) / Bridgeman Images

Ignacio Iglesias Pujadas (1871-1928). Catalan poet and playwright.
Ignacio Iglesias Pujadas (1871-1928). Catalan poet and playwright.

TRK561110: Ignacio Iglesias Pujadas (1871-1928). Catalan poet and playwright., Fonollosa, Francisco (d.c.1998) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait Marco Polo, 20th century (watercolour)
Portrait Marco Polo, 20th century (watercolour)

TRK7141723: Portrait Marco Polo, 20th century (watercolour), Fonollosa, Francisco (d.c.1998) / Bridgeman Images

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